
The idea of these lists is awful, but how the hell did One Tree Hill make it on for both men and women? Who the fuck cares about One Tree Hill in 2015?

He also said “Let’s be honest, that song is about me.” So like even if it wasn’t intended to be about him it really is about him. (I do believe it was always intended to be about him)

This reminds me that I saw Hoda on the regular Today show with Matt Lauer the other day and it was the happiest he has seemed in years. Everyone loves Hoda.

MTE. A mix of the two seems like it would be closest.

MTE. I just read basically this same exact post on ITG so this Lola brand is really working overtime.

It is honestly impressive at this point with the money she has and access to the best hair stylists. She just truly does not give a fuck.

Are the extension new? I swear I just saw pics of her and she still had the bob.

I always have liked Maria Menounos for some reason not sure why, maybe because she is very open about how hard she actually works out/eats for her body. But I guess I don’t follow her career because I was under the impression she was still on one of those evening celeb gossip shows Billy Bush and Mario Lopez do.

This sounds like an extreme version of most of the children that I used to work with at camp in the Berkshires. They were a little more independent, but their parents provided them with all the money they could ever need. They were very entitled and bratty, but camp did help them be a bit more independent. They all

Sponges are back too! retro birth control is all the rage again apparently.

As someone that has only ever used the pill, and only has friends that use the pill, condoms or iud, what exactly is the difference between the sponge and a diaphragm? They both have about the same effectiveness when used correctly when I check on planned parenthood, the sponge seems like it may be a little easier to

The Sponge is back too so I guess everyone is nostalgic for birth control now too.

I always assumed my persistant acne along my jaw line/chin was caused by hormones, but when I stopped eating dairy I stopped breaking out altogether.

They look pretty trendy to me, teen vogue does more casual/street style than typical ballgown in vogue.

When I was a child my mother would ask me what kind of cake I wanted for my birthday and I always wanted vanilla because I did not like any chocolate as a child, but my mother would only ever order a chocolate cake from the bakery “because everyone else likes chocolate better.”

From TMZ, it sounds like they were looking for files that Russel Taylor stored on Fogle Foundation files, “7:30 AM PT — We’ve obtained the criminal complaint against Taylor ... and it says police recovered a 4 GB thumb drive and his employer, the Jared Foundation, was listed in a file name. Inside that file was a

It reminds me of a slightly girlier Madewell. I don’t follow fashion bloggers, but idg why anyone would be going crazy over her boring basics.

Freezing your eggs doesn’t guarantee you a baby either, it is about about a 40% chance of pregnancy.

This is going to sound insane, but Yoko already tweeted that before, in February 2014. I like when celebs retweet things like song lyrics/whatever you would call that... they’re just like us!

This ending response