
We all live around the country, the closest is 2-3 hours and it is near impossible to get everyone together on the same weekend outside of a something like a wedding.

This sounds so fun. I wish I could actually coordinate all my friends to meet up to do this w/o the need for a bachelor party.

Amber Heard is a forgettable actress at best. She could literally be any blonde, mediocre actress in every role I have seen her in. Half the time I don’t even realize it was her until I check the imdb page.

“I usually find Boston accents really ugly, but yours is so cute” is a comment I got from boys a lot in college when I was drunk (the only time the Boston accent is really noticeable thank god).

So jealous she is Mykonos. It is so fun and gorgeous.

My friends that are 5’10”/5’11”/6’ talk about how hard it is too be so tall for a girl, especially shopping for clothes. I can’t imagine how difficult it feels for women that are 6+

So she is the new Katherine Moennig/Shane from The L Word.

I am not a Santander customer but they give out 10s! At least the one I used recently. I was shocked and really pleased (I only needed 10 for parking).

She also wanted lily of the valley which is the most expensive bouquet to make so something tells me this low key wedding didn’t necessarily equate cheap.

Oh. This makes sense. I actually thought they might offer it to RuPaul since they were having him do that weird Botched after show that was basically Fashion Police for plastic surgery.

I know! Malia looks so gorgeous in that dress.

I don’t get the big deal if he does add an inch or two to his height? Everyone in Hollywood lies about their height, men and women alike.

I think this makes my hair look just as dirty after I applied it. Does not help with oiliness at all ime.

I think this makes my hair look just as dirty after I applied it. Does not help with oiliness at all ime.

My absolute favorite is the All Nighter Dry Shampoo. It is $18. It comes in powder which I find works the best for dry shampoo, and comes in 6 different shades. A little goes a longggggg way so it lasts forever. I have used this on 5 day dirty hair, and received compliments on my hair - normally I get oily by day 2.

My absolute favorite is the All Nighter Dry Shampoo. It is $18. It comes in powder which I find works the best for

I think I actually watched all of S2, but was so bored and didn’t care about any of the storylines or characters so I don’t really remember anything that happened. I think S2 was the one with Sarah Silverman.

Hi, I’m also Team Goop and Chloe.

I really like her tbh. She is fashionable, and a great actress in the right role. She was consistently the best part of Big Love. I wish she had her own drama on HBO, it seems like it would be the perfect fit for her.

I LOVE Lizzy Caplan, and will probably watch her in anything, but MOS is pretty boring and I am saying this as someone that pretty much lives for “slow” television.

I love navy. I wear so much black, navy seems like such a great colorful option and is flattering on most people.

So I like shopping and fashion things and follow it vaguely enough to know the big to mid names. And I know the name Elie Tahari, but until now I thought he was a woman. So I guess that shows how interested in his designs I have been.