

I wouldn’t say it is all hideous, but it is all very on trend so some things aren’t great. It is a very “mall” line.

I doubt she is involved in anything more than just approval meetings.

I bet you do know at least one person and they just aren’t letting on, there are no obvious labels to let on and they are just on trend but wearable designs. I have a very fashionable friend, and I complimented her shoes one day and she told me she was so embarrassed to say but they were from TJMaxx AND Jessica

MTE. I am always surprised people genuinely think Jessica Simpson is involved with this line/any decisions at all with it. It was a very smart business decision to license her name, and I am sure she sees quite a bit of money from it (forbes said this type of contract is usually between 3-10% of wholesale revenue) but

I haven't used First Aid Beauty, but Lush destroyed my skin for the 3 months I used it. I thought maybe my skin was just purging, but it just kept getting progressively worse.Would never use their products again. Plus the fact that they are not open about their ingredients is super shady.

She looks like Rita Ora.

Also celebs that get much thinner from their very normal weight at the beginning of their career, but claim their super thin bodies are actually natural.

I don't understand what reversible means at all, but how did this help their anti-abortion cause? If anything claiming they are reversible seems like a woman would be more likely to do have an abortion because if she regretted it, then it would be "reversible" and she could be pregnant again? This is so stupid and I

Really? Isn't complaining about your boss/higher ups like the most common thing? Especially outside of work...

What Sephora brand products do you think are the best and/or best dupes for popular most expensive brands?

My mother always claims Julie Andrews is a huge bitch too. IDK where she gets her info.

Regis is on Kathie Lee's portion of today fairly often, and even has subbed for Hoda when she is not available. So yeah, I totally believe they are genuinely close. I remember one time on Regis and Kelly, Regis mentioned Kelly being out and maybe they could get Kathie Lee to guest host - Kelly's face was not amused. I

Yeah, the only reason I even pay a little attention to 1D is because Zayn is beautiful.

I don't follow 1D at all, I do know Zayn because he is the hottest. And even with my little info of 1D I could always tell he was going to be the one to leave first.

Dating Bradley Cooper sure did do great things for her career. When was she ever mentioned prior to him.

I totally agree. I can't believe they actually got married. I thought they would just date forever until they eventually parted ways, they are so strange together for some reason.

Exactly my thoughts.

I watched the video and sweatpants causing divorce sounded like a joke, but the no sweatpants ever (because it equates giving up) did not. She even went on to say she was far more comfortable in dresses and didn't like wearing pants in general.

This happened to my friend too, her name was made up by her parents (it was a combination of both of their names) and was placed in a boys dorm for freshman year initially.