
In the US I have seen it spelled either way for either gender. My brother goes by Jamie (not his legal name), and I had a female professor that spelt her name Jaime.

I know some men named Ashley and Casey (they are in their 20s). My grandfather's good friend was named Kelly. While they are all unisex names they are certainly considered to be almost exclusively feminine now. More uncommon than naming a girl a traditionally male name sure, but not unheard of.

god, I find this bland couple unbearable.

She 100% said she loves dresses and doesn't feel comfortable in pants. Nothing she said really came off as a joke, except when she said she will figuratively "wear the pants." She was being hyperbolic about texting her mom but otherwise nothing was jokey or even sarcastic.

IRL she is 27/28, but they are playing younger

Yeah, I watched the video assuming she said everything in a very sarcastic tone, but she did not.

lmao @ cordon bleu

She also said she doesn't like wearing pants in this interview so I guess she just can't be trusted.

I remember Gwen Stefani saying she never lets her husband see her without make up. That sounds exhausting, and makes me feel sad for her.

I picked a college without greek life because I had no interest in the bro/sorority culture, at the time it was because I was too artsy/cool to hang out with people like that but in hindsight it was probably one of the best choices I made. There were still certainly assholes on campus, but not having an entire school

At the end of this past summer I started hysterically crying because my eye doctor's office ordered me the wrong contacts, and my brand was back ordered so it would be another couple weeks until I had them. I got home and began screaming while hysterically crying because I was so mad, swearing like a sailor all the

Both weddings sound fun. I think relaxed is the best personally.

Tuition for UMass Amherst is around 13, 500 not including room+board which is around 11,500.

I have had such an irrational hatred for her since American Idol. Her and Katherine Mcphee. UGH.

God, I fucking hate her.

I completely agree with this. I think Chloe is really talented, should she be shit talking other women she doesn't even seem to know publicly? No. But I don't get the JLaw love either so I guess I'm not personally offended.

I love Chloe Sevigny as an actress, but she is probably a bitch. I don't really see why you should publicly talk disparagingly about other actresses that you have no relationship with.

That is what I thought, I live in Samoas region but I have also definitely seen Caramel Dee-lites...

It just does not work with her skin at all.

It's what Kanye is trying to do