
She tried to hide it under a hat at one point (for the big reveal I assume) so I am pretty sure it is her real hair.

This is not a quality wig. Mellie's wig looked especially bad to me recently too. What is going on with Scandal's wig department. They need some guidance from The Americans.

What do you apply your foundation with?

I LOVE Nirvana Black, but it does not last on me at all =(

MTE I had a fucking .gov email address as an intern, it was just given to me on my first day. How did she not have one because she didn't ask? Does not add up.

I interned for a few congressmen and was given a .gov email on my first day. How the fuck does SOS not have one because she or her staff didn't ask? What? How did no one have a problem with the fact that she was using her own domain until know? This is not good. Democrats better have a strong second choice because

I have looked in this dress in different lighting, on different screens, and I recalibrated my laptop screen. It is STILL white and gold.

Same, If I scroll up really fast it is blue and black for a second, but when I look at it is white and gold. Even with comparison shots I see a black and blue dress and a white and gold dress.

This is the only subject in a long time that the majority of my Facebook feed has agreed to post about it seems, even big events like Super Bowl or Oscars are only a small percentage. Everyone is involved with this.

I see white and gold, but I want to be see blue and black so badly! Jealous of everyone that has seen both, tbh.

Yeah, I agree. Even if she thought DOR was an asshole the entire time she has worked with him he is also the asshole that cast her in her Oscar winning movie (and back to back Oscar nominated movies). Can't really bite the hands that feeds.. not to mention his Harvey Weinstein connection. Now that she has box office

I remember that Guilana Rancic red carpet interview with Aziz, it was very embarrassing for her. I have noticed she isn't on the red carpet anymore and that Ryan does all the interviews for most Award Shows and I always assumed it was questions like those that got her stuck in studio.

Well since basically every story about David O. Russel is about what a big asshole he is, and George Clooney actually punched him on set I am willing to believe that he and JLaw were having a real fight.

This is a great idea, but when I go out I usually don't take my car.

I remember when Paris Hilton and Lilo were all over the tabloids Vanity Fair did an article about their mothers. And Kathy Hilton, and her mother "Big Kathy" dreamt of making Paris Hilton crazy famous, a Marilyn Monroe like icon. I just wish the Kardashians were a thing when they did that article because Kris Jenner

I didn't get my until I was 21 because my mother was worried about side effects (it came out when I was a teen too). My primary care doctor and gyno both recommended I get it during each visit while insurance would cover it even though I was sexually active. My primary care doctor administered it. I actually tested

Also there was some story when it came out about a girl complaining about a headache after receiving, going to lay down and she ended up dying. I remember because I was about 16, and my doctor recommended I get it and my mother was all worried about this story she heard on Oprah or some other day time talk show.

Yeah, I think that is a big thing. Even if resorts are safe the idea of 18-22 getting wasted in areas with high cartel violence seems like it could end up being very dangerous.

IDK, my family is definitely very middle of the middle class and we have a soap pump in our sink from when my parents remodeled our kitchen. I don't consider it so much "wealthy" as newer model kitchens (which obviously can be tied to income).

The idea of this is making me so happy I don't think I am going to be able to get over the fact that it will never happen.