
I had someone that stole parts of my name and my friends name and then made their profile picture on fb group shots of the two of us. It was fucking bizarre, and we never found out if it was someone we knew doing it. We did report it to FB.

When I was like 14 I used less popular/more normal pictures of Audrey Hepburn as myself on myspace to talk to random guys, but really if the 20something year old men didn't recognize photos of Audrey Hepburn I don't really feel bad about it.

This is exactly how I feel. She is not a nice person. I never listened to John Legend but he seemed like an alright guy. Being linked to her definitely makes me think less of him.

Couples that proclaim their love and awesomeness this loudly and this constantly almost always end up divorced within a couple years.

From everything I know about her she seems like a bitchy horrible person tbh. Her social media personality has only made me more sure of that. I never really thought twice of John Legend, but I do think less of him since he married her.

I don't know, I have defintely run to go pee in the midst of just making out knowing that sex would be starting shortly and have never ever had a problem. The only time I ever have had UTI from sex was when I was too lazy to get up afterwards and go pee.

Same. Is Ben Affleck "good looking" sure, but he has no sex appeal, no charisma, and super dead eyes like you said.

Last I read there was a staff of 8 so not too many lay-offs to be sad about.. and most knew the magazine's future was rocky at best.

But this is exactly who the magazine was targeted at. Brooklyn hipsters that are interested in farming, actual farmers were never who the magazine was made for.

I have always had a lot of baby hairs around my hairline. Well when I was around 11/12 I was SO sick of them, the look that was popular in the early 2000s at my middle school was to gel your hair back in a ponytail super tight with no loose hair/baby hairs. But I had these shorter pieces around my ears that would not

I some how still get Amazon Student prime and I'm not even sure how. I applied for Student Prime in 2010 I think? And it eventually went away/I unsubscribed from Prime but now for the past two years I resubscribed and I just realized I have been under Student Prime. I'm not sure how or why, since I am not using a

I some how still get Amazon Student prime and I'm not even sure how. I applied for Student Prime in 2010 I think?

Yeah, this is how I feel. I am pretty small, but have tried spanx to "smooth" things out with a tight dress/long night and I feel it just makes me look fatter? Like all my fat is smooth but also puffier? IDK I have very small waist compared to my hips and I felt like Spanx some how sucked my waist out wider. I sound

I adore her.

Once a day, occasionally I will skip a day.

There are before and after pictures that definitely make it very very clear she has had many enhancements on various parts of her body. And honestly, if anything she has made her self look less and less Armenian and more like her mother...

I have worked in retail places with great return policies and if customers have issues with comfort/quality of clothes and return them after wearing them/using them we take them back BUT they are marked as damaged and taken out of inventory/not resold.

My mother has told me since I was a kid to wash any underwear AND bathing suits before wearing them. So thankful. Especially bathing suits because people definitely try those on and I do not trust that they keep their underwear on while doing so.

I worked with teenagers and there follower counts mattered A LOT to them on instagram. They all seemed to have a couple hundred so if they lost 50-100 they would definitely notice and be very upset.

YES. I love her. She is funny, talented, stylish and sexy. I usually don't ever want to be friends with celebs but I would love to hang out with her.

She is probably one of Taylor's celeb friends I believe is real and not just one random hang out. I think they have both been pretty close since before either really had widespread fame/success, or at least Emma. I don't even know why I know this useless information about either one of them.