
I felt bad for a second, but then remembered he was cast in the new season of True Detective looking like that. His aging very well could bring him more serious respected actor roles since he looks "rugged" and "distinguished" now.

They are like puppies. They just want to follow you and be with you no matter what. I have grown up only having Siamese cats and they definitely do not fit the aloof cat stereotype. And one time in middle school during a sleepover my friends woke me up to tell me they heard a baby crying, it was my siamese cat outside

OMG During the ebola scare in the US whoever they had give a very long press conference about it had the WORST spitty mouth sound when he talked. I couldn't believe people wouldn't tell him to take a sip of water or something before he went on air. I had to shut him off.

I tried the vitamin b-complex for a hangover before, and apparently some people have an allergy to vitamin b supplements/can't process them. Not knowing this because I had never taken only a vitamin b supplement before I broke out in horrible, horrible hives all over my body. They were so bad my roommate rushed home

It basically the plot point of Young Adult, though she takes it a step further and goes to the christening/baby naming ceremony thing.

This. And Black Friday sales targeting middle class and up are a completely different animal. I worked in a high end shopping center in a mid-high end boutique and we opened on Black Friday one hour early (so 9 instead of 10). No Thanksgiving night, or overnight shifts, shifts were regular length and you got all your

Wasn't Kendall on the runway in a see-thru shirt before? I remember people acting scandalized that her nips were out even though all the other models wore variations on the same thing.

It's very possible (& most likely imo) that they did try to take it further and NBC said no, and this was as much as they could imply. Network sensors/lawyers/execs are notorious for making writers take out harmless things so I could certainly see NBC not wanting Tina Fey to directly attack a beloved NBC sitcom/icon.

As if Jackson wasn't bad enough an acquaintance of mine named her son Jaxson.

I know quite a few Zoe(y)'s and I am in my 20s.

Ashley Madekwe looks PERFECT. I love her whole look.

Good on whoever put this video together, and I can't believe how fucking stupid teenagers are they would let this get recorded, I'm assuming he didn't know? Can't wait to have his defense attorney claim he thought she was into it when he clearly states she never wanted it/didn't change her mind, was incoherent and

Unless they are siamese cats because all siamese cats I have had are crazy attached to the family, and are constantly under foot or trying to get you to hold them or sit down and cuddle them. And their meow sounds like a baby crying until you open the door/sit down/give them whatever constant attention they desire.

Some dude bro came into the store I was working at the other day and asked if we carried pajamas for "females" he basically looked like this plus a chinstrap beard.

I initially read Kelly Reilly as Kelly Ripa. Very relieved when I realized my mistake but maybe not enough to ignore my dislike for Vince Vaughn.

I think they meant more her style makes her look older. That dress definitely read older to me, like I could imagine Jane Fonda looking stunning in it, but not what I picture for a fun 20something pop star.

No, TJMaxx/Marshalls

If you have insurance I recommend going to the derm and having them remove them. I had a few frozen off around my collar bone, and bikini line. No pain, no scaring.

It looks like they just pinned back the little hair she has - no extensions here.