
Goop is also an actual competitor to Martha, even if it is minimal. Blake is just too pathetic to even try to compete with.

I was surprised by the choice too. I think Penelope Cruz is gorgeous, but the choices almost always seemed to be based on PR/upcoming projects - not just looks. Maybe she has a bunch of stuff coming out soon?

I had one of these as a child, it had Strawberry Shortcake printed on it, and I LOVED it. It made it easy to do other things (besides eating) in bed too like coloring.

So true.

There are other trans actors on transparent (though in supporting roles) and actual trans consultants so having a trans writer would just be in addition.

Yeah, it happened to me once (on the receiving end) and it was 100% an accident - it can really happen (especially when inexperienced). We were both 20 too, and super shocked.

And by fair, I obv mean hair.

Also relating to dolls - straightening doll fair does not work, and just causes it to melt and burn (RIP my American Dolls).

I read on Vulture it was supposed to be a Baltimore accent, but idk I was trying to figure out what was going on every time she spoke.

Murder head (Bette) is viewers right/their left, and Non-Murder (Dot) is viewers left/their right, I think.

Yes! Taylor's image is as fake and carefully crafted as Beyonce's but to make her looknormal and awkward, which I find SO much more unbearable - you are incredibly wealthy, tall, thin, blonde, have a new hot it bf every season, and a-list bffs stop trying to act like you are this crazy outcast weirdo.

I LOVE Rachel Getting Married. There is some weird cultural appropriation with the wedding theme that doesn't even add anything to the movie and the wedding would still be sweet/romantic without it, but really still such a good movie and worth seeing. I could never hate Anne just because of how much I like that movie.

Anne was definitely campaigning HARD for an Oscar that year, and that was annoying. But it is annoying when ANY actor does that. I don't remember specifics, but I do remember thinking Daniel Day Lewis was campaigning just as hard and annoyingly that year. Yet all the hate was targeted towards Anne Hathaway. Wonder

Also for those that know who Daphne Guinness is Diana is her grandmother (first marriage was to a Guinness before the fascist). That blew my mind when I figured it out.

The Sisters is amazing. Highly recommend especially if someone has never read about them before.

I have actually have had a few conversations with really cool seeming guys on Tindr. I ended up deleting it before we met up because I mostly downloaded it out of curiosity/no actual intention to ever meet anyone off of it, but I was surprised that there seemed to be genuine and interesting guys on there and not just

I remember in middle school (early 00s) my classmates tried to tell me it caused breast cancer at a sleepover so we should all sleep with our bras off, but even then I was very skeptical. Plus I developed early and was way to self conscious to go bra-less around all my friends.

Yup, this happened to me in the spring with Verizon. I had the 4 (purchased June 2011), and finally needed to upgrade to the 5s (Spring 2014) after cracking the screen/it eventually stopped turning on and they told me that I 100% could not keep unlimited data - no one is grandfathered in if you choose to upgrade your

Except Stridex pads! I don't know if it is just my area, but I can only find Stridex pads in a CVS near me. I went to Target, and Walgreens first - I felt like I was going crazy and imagined they were a product that existed.

When my aunt was a breakfast waitress she usually worked breakfast/lunch at a small restaurant, and every table had a container of different jellies/jams on it (usually strawberry, grape and orange marmalade). Without fail every day she would have to supply at least half of the tables with a new full supply of orange