
That's The Hills! A sequel to Laguna Beach (I think the initial premise was following Lauren in college though did she ever actually graduate?), and included a lot of the same people - Lauren, eventually Lo and Kristin.

I am embarrassed I know this, but it was bible for her GRADUATION present. I distinctly remember because MTV edited all the grad gift scenes together, and everyone else got awesome/good gifts (i.e. Lo's Jetta, laptops etc) and she got a bible.


A friend of friend is 10 years older than his GF thinks (so really he is 60, but his GF thinks he is 50). She is 40. He looks great for his age so it is totally believable, but they have been together 10 years and she (supposedly) still has no idea. He initially lied about his age because she was only 30, and he was

This sounds like something that would happen on My Super Sweet 16, not something that adults would choose to do. Like on one hand it is nice that all their guests get a free iPad, but on the other hand it is so tacky.

Hm, I'm not sure what your saying but any recent 'candids' I have seen of her have her current face so it isn't just photoshop.

lol Blake 100% had a nose job. Even the best contouring in the world could not change the nose she had to the nose she has now, like it is just not happening. She did have a GREAT nose job though, if I was in the market for one I would want the name of her surgeon.

The internet tells me she will 17 at the beginning of August. I have seen her lips even thinner than that in other 'before' pictures where she isn't wearing any lip product. I don't know if I think she applies extreme contouring or had other plastic surgery like some claim (nose/chin), but there is no denying she has

I'm always curious about the salary for tabloid 'journalists'/behind the scenes of putting together these stories ( the real rags - not the PR/'respectable' ones like US and People). I can't imagine it could be a job you can have for long w/o hating yourself.

Lol, okay I didn't defend him I just can't stand when people compare undeniably horrible world leaders that have caused serious, reprehensible problems in the world to simply mediocre politicians. It is a pet peeve - when either party does it. In the grand scheme of US politics Mitt did not leave a mark whereas

I don't like him, never have and never will vote for him. I am from MA so I know he did shitty things as governor but the things you listed are honestly and unfortunately types of things that I have come to expect from any politician across parties - even democrats I may like.

Yeah, but he lost so it seems kinda pointless to hate him as much as someone that caused real and serious damage nationwide and globally - and doesn't even seem to own up to any mistakes.

So out of curiosity I downloaded this game and the a-list game a few weeks ago, and LOL at her having worked on it at all. They are basically the same game, but with her added "mentor" character, and more specific locations in LA. Oh, and some of the clothes that are provided free/initially in the Kim game are

This! I only do hot yoga, and a good quality mat and mat towel really do make a difference. My lululemon mat is the only lululemon product I own, and while I can't speak for their other products this is totally worth it if you practice yoga regularly.

Interesting! I do use honey for honey aspirin masks that my skin reacts well to, but I never thought to use it as a cleanser.

Did she by any chance shave her legs before she applied it? I have applied moisturizers that normally don't bother me to my freshly shaved legs and I get angry painful/itchy contact dermatitis too. It sucks, and you just kinda have to wait it out =(

I have yet to buy any coconut oil, but I love using almond oil as a moisturizer after I dry brush/shower. Makes my skin baby soft.

One time I saw this chart of all/most oils used for face/body/cooking and it had a whole list about how it could be used, skin type it was for etc. it was awesome and I wish I saved it. I haven't been able to track it down google-ing either.

I don't know Romney's take on climate change laws needed but I think he at least acknowledges it a real thing and not something maybe up by Al Gore? Which is certainly a LOW bar, but more than a lot of conservatives. I only even know this because I remember watching Bill Clinton being interviewed on CNN or something

I think he "cares" about the world he is leaving them, but the future world that looks good for multimillionaire white guys doesn't really looked good for the rest of us.