
Is Christie officially out of the running because of bridge gate? He was definitely a front runner at one point (and obvs it is pretty meaningless in 2013/2014 to be a front runner), and while I would never vote for him he definitely seemed more moderate especially in comparison to the tea party.

GWB did far more real damage though. Mitt provided some laughs during election season, and gave MA universal healthcare.

I think the biggest issue would be same sex or different religion - not necessarily because of his politics but because his family is very mormon, and from the few mormons/former mormons I know leaving the mormon faith is one of the reasons families become estranged.

Honestly, Mitt Romney wasn't a bad politician when he was a moderate republican/conservative democrat - he was for things like universal healthcare and pro-choice. It was when he wanted to be president so baldly that he would conform to the far right and tea party that he took a shitty turn. I still don't think I

Yeah, like I can't imagine any teens now would be interested in her or even really know who she is. I think most of her fans that grew up with her have outgrown this drivel aside from maybe 1 listen for nostalgia sake, even then they could just listen to her old albums.

She is such a painful actress (though I will admit cute as a kid on LM) that I always assumed singing would be the more successful career move for her, but... it doesn't sound like it. Guess she should just keep her current job of shopping and calling the paparazzi.


Hm, maybe it is regional. I have only ever heard tar-ter sauce pronunciation and steak tar-tare pronunciation, if anyone said tar-tare sauce I would definitely think they were being pretentious but actually dumb. Merriam-Webster agrees with the Tar-ter sauce pronunciation, though does note the origins from french

Haha, maybe they weren't for her? My mother rarely drinks (only wine when she does) and really hates all beer, I could easily see her asking this question after picking up beers for my brother and I or something.

I worked at Dunkin Donuts for about a month as a teenager, and the one thing I learned from that job was to NEVER mix cream/milk and lemon in tea. Even if the customer requests it they can only have either milk OR lemon because it will curdle and they will blame you.

There have been rumors about Jay-Z being a cheater for years now, since they basically got together. I would be surprised if there wasn't any truth to them, but I would be more surprised if they really were on the brink of divorce. Their marriage seems to be based as much in love as it is in business.

I have not seen one preview for Hercules. They covered The Rock's weight gain on CBS This Morning today, and that was the first I had heard of it - and I didn't even realize it was already out.

I personally thought Lucy looked like Limitless, but with a female lead. Granted, I have only seen previews for both movies so I could be way off.

Revealing of what? That I think the fact that he received half of everything when they seemed to equally contribute to their marriage totally fair? Your right, you got me.

I'm kinda surprised Gaga, and Taylor Kinney are still together. Good for them.

Hm, or you know she was far more successful than him when they married and supported him/his career for a good portion of their marriage and then put it on hold to raise their children. So seems like a very fair settlement actually - especially for him. Would he have the success without her money to support them? her


I was in college. There was this friend of a friend that I knew had a huge crush on me. I went to a party at his apartment with the expectation that I would be spending the night. I was right - awesome.

Yeah, I agree. I don't have issue with registries, but I think saying something like "—— is registered at pottery barn" on any invitation, even shower, is tacky.

Maybe it is regional? My grandparents give cash wedding gifts, and so do all my aunts and uncles (and they are 40s-60s). My brother got married a couple years ago, and they got some physical gifts at the shower, but I really don't remember him saying they received anything but cash at the wedding.