
Hm, I never really thought about it but I live in the Northeast, and all the weddings I have been to have been are in the Northeast and that tends to be the most popular thing - gifts at the shower and cash at the wedding (though couples usually have a registry for both). Weddings I have been to might have a couple of

Hm, I remembering reading in some manners guidelines for weddings/showers (why I don't know since I am not in any place to have one) that it is okay to have a registry, but the registered should 1. not put it on any invitations/event info and 2. should not be the one to tell people about it, that is the job of the

Yup. My friends and cousins that have gotten married in the past several years tend to do this. Most of them don't really need anything so they have a very small registry for formality sake, and most people just give cash. I haven't heard any guests complain about it, and it seemed to work for the couples. If anything

I graduated college a couple years ago, and I don't think I knew anyone that had an actual fake ID. We all used real IDs that were either given to us by a generous 21+ friend, or on occasion were lucky enough to find them outside on the ground downtown/inside popular drunk eating spots (my friends that found them this

I am in MA, but pretty much any grocery store I have purchased alcohol at in the Northeast has carded me and/or whoever I am traveling with regardless of how old they look - they need to put a birthdate in computer/register. And as far as I know it is the norm to have to have any out of state IDs checked by manager,

I think it tips because I yank it and have to pull it through doorways and such, and hate doing it so I have no patience for the canister. I really detest dragging a canister around more than anything as far as house hold chores go.

My mother vacuums all the time TOO. Growing up whenever my brother or I had friends over they thought she was crazy because she would come home from work, and start vacuuming a house that looked clean to everyone else. She claims you can get under furniture better with canisters than uprights, but I would rather just

Have you tried powders or sprays? I prefer powders because they seem to absorb oil more imo, I like The All-Nighter (you can pick a shade to match your hair, and a little goes a longggg way) and Oscar Blandi Pronto (it is white so if you have dark hair like me you need to really make sure you brush it out). There also

You are not shopping at the right stores, pretty much all the grocery stores with near me offer at least some carts with cup holders.

Aluminum is what stains shirts, and I think aluminum free antiperspirant exists though I can't vouch for what brands/if it works since I only use deodorant. But really effective aluminum free antiperspirant should exist in general for everyone even if it didn't stain shirts.

I am at my parents' home, and decided to be nice and vacuum for my Mother, and she has a canister vacuum (which she prefers?!) and as I was dragging it around, and it was tipping over and get stuck in door ways all I could think was that this horrible design could only be designed by a man that never actually cleaned

Right? It doesn't seem like they are hiring people with records of child sex offenses - these people are charged during their employment at Disney. Predators tend to seek out jobs with children and w/o a conviction record there is no background check that is going to find anything. The screening process seems to be

This sounds great. Basically all the Today show women minus the worst parts - Matt, Al, and Willy(?). I would also add Meredith Vieira she is like in between Katie and Anne imo, she can do fluff but she also is good at actual news. And Tamron Hall because she is a delight!

I have never purchased anything from Honest, but I have heard really good things about the baby products. If anything that seems more like a real brand that just needed a celeb mom to be the spokesperson, and Jessica Alba was hired.

The one difference is Blake's acting makes Gwyneth's oscar seems well earned.

Agree to disagree. Because there are certainly celebrities that give dangerous/questionable dieting/"healthy eating" advice, Bethenny being one of them (Tracy Anderson being another - her "diet" at least) and I think questioning their comments is important so people don't fall into these disordered eating habits or

Yeah, I agree. I never read her book, but I somehow saw it (an E-Book or excerpts I dont remember) and I remember thinking the total daily worth of calories were very low (in the daily menu/meals options she provided at then end? I am almost positive it was her book), and her tips/tricks were very common disordered

Right, I was one correcting your assumption she never dealt with eating issues and two I think her history may be why some people interpreted her picture a certain way - initially, i.e. look how small I am.

I have struggled with bulimia in my life too, and there are different ways you speak/comment when you are still actively sick, ime and in my experience being around people also struggling through recovery/that are recovered.