
When did I say anything about her size being the reason I thought she might still deal with eating issues? I am referring to comments she has made in public spaces i.e. her show, magazines etc. I understand the mind sight is hard to get rid of completely, and I certainly have had my struggles with eating disorder but

Bethenny 100% has admitted body/eating issues,"The 5'5" Bethenny reveals she struggled with weight problems her entire life and battled eating disorders as well as exercise addiction. "I used to be 20 pounds heavier," Frankel, 39, tells Parade. "I would have been 50 pounds heavier, but I was white-knuckling it my

Ugh, omg. I have tried to put contacts in w/o realizing there is a tear in it and it was SO painful. I can't imagine how people just think it is fine.

Yup. I think the ideal is to go to a practice that has both an optometrist, and an ophthalmologist. That is my current situation, for contact fittings/prescriptions I just see my optometrist, but if she has any concerns about health she make you make a secondary appointment with the ophthalmologist, which is easy to

Chipotle is definitely overrated , but Moes is fucking gross. Honestly, probably lower than Taco Bell because at least Taco Bell doesn't pretend to be anything above a great/awful, usually intoxicated, decision.

I don't eat red meat, but Burger King is by far the grossest of the big 3 burger fast food chains (McDs, Wendys, BK). The one thing that I used to get their was their veggie burger (patty supplied by MorningStar), and they ruined that by only serving it on some god awful brioche bun now. You are fast food place stop

some chipotle locations serve alcohol

Jennifer Lawrence's face looks so odd here. I'm glad I am not the only one who thought so, it looks like a case of realllllly bad contouring.

I'm not going to argue that she doesn't get work done, and benefits from having great stylist, make up artists, estheticians. But lol that is definitely not what "not attractive at all" looks like. She is actually quite attractive, but in a normal person way and is wearing bad make up.

I have lived in 2 different states, and the Wal-Mart and Target locations have been very different in terms of cleanliness and organization by and large. I am definitely not imagining the messy aisles, out of place products, dirty floors, piles of products, empty shelves that is the norm for the Wal-Marts I have been

I am more than sure on the corporate side Wal-Mart and Target are virtually the same, but being in the stores feels very different. Target is simply more pleasant to shop in than any Wal-Mart I have had to unfortunately go to- Target is far more clean, organized, and well stocked. If I have to go to either I sure as

Well Eva Mendez also said she never wanted children so seems like people change their mind.

Yup, there was some story in esquire or another mens magazine that measured the actual waist measurements for popular pant brands and I think at best one waist measurement was only an 1" bigger at worst (old navy) it was something like 5" bigger than marked. I always lol when people claim vanity size is only effecting

Ugh, fucking cousin Oliver and Olivia. I call this type of character the Scrappy Doo of the show

They are always rumors of a break up from tabloids, but I don't think either of their PR teams have ever confirmed them. If they even respond it is just to be like "Lol, you wish - no"

I was really excited for them, but then I saw it was from Radar, and they make up 90% of their "news"

Her red carpet dress are almost always some nude glittery/sequins/sparkle concoction, so dull.

If you think the cape is filled with exclusively massholes, I guess you haven't seen the guidos that come out of Rhode Island.

These outfits are all pretty cute tbh. She does matchy-matchy a little bit too much for my taste, but I like most of the pieces she wears. I can't believe that she hasn't fixed those combover style bangs though, they remind me of my disastrous turn in trying to have thick bangs at 16. Sometimes they look ok, but for

Same. When I was in school I always highlighted/underlined what I read so that I could easily go back to certain passages during in class discussions/essays, but when I read for pleasure it pretty much never happens. Like 2% of the time I will star a passage in a nonfiction book so I can find it to quickly recall to