
I haven't been keeping up with True Blood because I hate so many aspects of it, Alcide being a big one. If he actually died on it I may be tempted to catch up.

I feel crazy because Joe Mangianello is so unattractive to me. I guess some people go for the body builder body type, but I am not one of them, way too overly built for me. And he is definitely a male butterface.

I didn't realize Mya was still around. I really liked her response even if bringing religion into everything usually makes me roll my eyes, and she is still gorgeous.

MTE, NYE is such a sucky holiday and most party/club scenarios that night are messy and so expensive. The idea of going to a wedding instead seems fun, and I think that idea translates for all the federal holidays.

lol you didn't give an explanation for why only you personally couldn't attend, but a list of mostly ridiculous reasons why federal holiday weddings were the worst/inconsiderate to everyone, and no bride/groom should ever think it is okay to do. if you kept it personal i wouldn't give a fuck.

Right that is how forums work, but you are the one replying to every comment defending holiday weddings with your c/p rant about how inconsiderate it is.

THANKS FOR EXPLAINING. But some people don't want to wait for Halloween to fall on a Saturday?! So it is only acceptable if the Halloween wedding falls on a Saturday? You clearly just think all weddings should fall on non-holiday Saturdays. If your friend had a Halloween wedding this year it would be a Friday too,


Lol seriously. Yes it is the responsibility of the bride and groom to go through their guest list and make sure each guest is free/can get off work/doesn't have prior plans, and then make sure they pick the cheapest travel weekend of the year. Like any fucking date they picked I am sure there would be some people that

Girl, then don't fucking go to holiday weddings, doesn't sound like anyone is going to miss your complaining ass. A LOT of people though like that they don't have to waste days they could spend on vacation going to a wedding. And not everyone is having tons of people travel to their weddings so who is going to

Eh, I have no problem with people having weddings on holidays like 4th of july/labor day/NYE. They are basically just holidays that focus on partying, and a wedding is just a big party. I always thought it seemed fun. And like someone else said it is usually easier for a lot of people since it is a national holiday,

I love the 4th of July, but I am not a fan of fireworks especially when it is done privately and not as a public/city function.

I LOVE that Beyonce is wearing wearing a mother/daughter dress. It seems SO true to something Tina Knowles would have done as well.

Kate is average attractive, has great hair and dresses very traditional but still stylish so I can see why people might consider her a style icon, even though I think she is a little dull.

She definitely looks like the older sister. I was surprised to find out she was younger/only around 31. She is a great example of why SPF is important.

It would never look good on her imo, her eyes are too small and dark liner on the bottom simply emphasizes that, and signs of aging.

I think Lana Del Rey's bf is really cute, probably because he looks a lot like an ex of mine. And I love that pink and white striped dress she is wearing.

Honestly who gives a fuck about Pippa?! At least Kate Middelton has a real reason to be covered by magazines/interviewed even if you don't agree with the royal family still being a thing. If I had to see that interview advertised one more time I was going to lose it.

Omg, this is so embarrassing but so funny. I am embarrassed and angry at myself for spending probably around $50 on candy crush/pet rescue/2 dots etc, this certainly makes me feel better about that. And I am also tempted to download this app now.

Certainly my favorite thing I have read all day, tbh. Hilarious.