
Well if anyone wants to do a biopic about Cassie should would be the perfect choice.

LOL That is the main thing that stood out to me too. Like who doesn't know Massachusetts is New England?

Pretty sure Basinger is an asshole too, maybe not as much as Alec Baldwin, but I don't think she had the greatest parents for role models.

I LOVE Tamron Hall. By far my favorite host on The Today Show now. And good for her for wearing her natural hair. She said once a month-ish ago that when she initially started working as a reporter when she was young she got tons of angry letters from almost exclusively women because she wore he hair short, I am sure

Excluding the one with bare ass since that is from an actual porn, the pantyhose one is the most embarrassing to me. I mean white pantyhose with a formal dress? as an adult?

I miss Wegmans so much. The best grocery store.

I'm excited, but at the same time The Limited? I guess they couldn't partner with Banana Republic since they already have a Mad Men collection.

I have so many thoughts looking at this picture.

I have very similar style navy blue linen dress from Juicy that I got on super sale a few summers ago to wear to a family event. They could have cute things, but their branding was really over the top tacky, and the prices were too high for what it was.

Yeah, I like Beyonce the performer, and I like to see her vacation picks on tumblr/instagram but I have interest in her personal life at all. Which is totally fine we don't need to *know* every celebrity/actor, and feel like they are our bffs. She lets you see what she wants, and she is very good at keeping her image

I like Beyonce, but this seems like a stupid idea. Either release all the Ms Carter Tour as a special or don't. You can go on youtube to watch clips. I highly doubt anyone will actually be tuning in for this, it will all be seen by chance while waiting for True Blood.

Please, I know plenty of Americans that have vacationed/visited Cuba. Never heard of anyone getting in trouble for it.

When I started my period the first pad I used was from the period kit my school gave all 5th grade girls during the puberty talk too!

A quick google said that most girls start menstruation between ages 10-15, and average age is 12/13. And the ages haven't changed in 30 years.

I have heard once you get your period you may grow a couple inches for the next 1-2 years, but growth tends to stop around 2 years post period. No idea how true it is though it is accurate for me (I was around 5' when I got my period at 11, and I stopped growing at 13 when I hit 5'3").

Mine was pretty low-key, but I did initially try to hide it from my mother. I was 11, two weeks away from being 12.

I don't actually like weed that much, but boy do I love Jenny Slate. She is just delightful. I just want to listen to her hang out and talk, and tell stories.

Yes, Busy! I was listening to Julie Klausner's podcast earlier in the week, and Jason Nash was talking about working with Busy on his movie, and she seems all-around really great.

She is definitely wearing make up! Foundation for sure at an event like this, prob some concealer, her brows look a little filled in, and I clearly see bronzer, blush, highlighter, eye shadow/liner/mascara, lipstick.

I have hated Michelle Trachtenburg since I was a kid, and I am not even sure why. I guess I didn't like her in Harriet the Spy? Every time I see her I am just like ugh, her. At least it kinda makes sense since I watched Buffy later in life, and Dawn is the worst.