
champagne and a martini. the whole article came off creepy and was mostly just about her looks.

IA. I have a few pair of their running shorts that must be around 10 years old, and they are honestly still like new.

That excerpt alone makes me think this article might be even worse than the New Yorker profile of Scarjo this spring, where she was compared to 2 different cocktails.

IDK, I think regal would be better than this "cucumber-cool, as beautiful and hieratic as an ancient Egyptian statue of a cat goddess."

Good, she deserves the cover. The pictures inside are pretty, but US Vogure covers have been so boring for years now.

behind the scene stories about ally mcbeal just seem like it would be gossip about all the disordered eating practices tbh.

They all seem to have Demi's small features, but on Bruce's extremely large head which is an unfortunate combination.

I feel like wedge sneakers are over, they have been an ugly trend for a while now and last summer at the camp I worked at they were popular among 12 year olds and their mothers which usually indicates a trend has died imo.

I just realized who Zendaya actually looks similar to imo, Cassie.

*dumb enough

lol Keira. Are those people just like "oh I recognize this person as being famous who could it be.. Britney Spears!"

I actually remember this dress, but have no idea who this woman is or why she is famous.

I was always told by my mother/aunts/grandmother to not wear underwear at night w/ pjs because you need to let things breathe, lol.

Yeah, I wear undies if I am wearing a skirt/dress and no tights, but otherwise there is a good chance I am going commando. ESPECIALLY under pants, I hate hate hate the feeling of fabric under my pants so at most I can wear is a thong and that is usually just during my period. I wash my clothes, and I have never had a

Oh, when I was in college and leggings first became a popular and acceptable choice of pants I saw a few girls do this. SO embarrassing, I am assuming they thought they were opaque leggings. Tights and leggings are complete different things, and tights are NEVER pants.

Yeah, I like Britney. And while I never thought she was particularly talented singer she certainly was a great entertainer and dancer, but ever since her breakdown she has not really been dancing. She mimes the movements like she is going through them in rehearsal or something, a lot of her fans claim it is because of

I remember reading something about how Gwen Stefani said she wouldn't let her husband see her w/o make up or something to that effect. It just seems sad to me. I love wearing make up, and wear it most days but guys that I have dated still see me w/o it around the house, in the morning etc.

I honestly don't really need spanx, but I bought them out of curiosity since they were so popular when I worked at Nordstrom. And I felt they made me look bigger. I am pretty small, but pear shaped and I felt like they just made stomach/waist like puff out or something that made my waist look wider. I like the idea of

And I don't think anyone is even arguing that she isn't pretty? Obvs she is very pretty, but yeah there isn't a "remarkable" resemblance.

She is really pretty, but I only really see the resemblance in the eyebrow shot. Otherwise from any other angle she looks as similar to Elsa as any other white, blonde blue-eyed girl would look in costume. Just like any pretty brunette girl in a Belle costume would look like Belle. Hell, my SIL is blonde and blue eyed