
That is what I thought too, but according to another comment we are just jealous haters.

Yeah, my exact thoughts. I am really missing what is "remarkable" about her resemblance. She dressed herself up to look like the character, and SHOCKER she looks the character. Don't people do this at Cosplay conventions all the time? And I mean Disneyworld/land is filled with people that are payed to do this?

My parents have wild bunnies that live in their yard, and they are so cute!! This year there were even baby bunnies.

I mean I don't really since they are two distinctly different parts of you body, plus with how much everyone online shops now just checking a size chart once would make it pretty clear. Someone would have to be really disconnected from shopping, clothes/fashion, any discussion ever of womens body shapes to not realize

Do they act? Sing? Or is just being cute british girls who had 15 minutes of internet fame there thing? MKA were child actors, from what I have seen on Ellen they are just themselves with tiaras.

what how? especially when so many measurements/size charts need natural waist (NOT drop waist) and hips measurements.

I think the standard for waist is about 25=0, 26=2, 27=4, 28=6, 29=8, 30=10, 31=12, 32=14. Obviously with vanity sizing and sizes being so different brand to brand this might not hold up. Not to mention even waist measurements like 28" pant size are often not really 28" and are vanity sized. Plus there is usually some

This is insane to me. I have never seen or heard of these two outside of the random Ellen episode on at the gym, and I have NEVER heard an actual person irl mention them. Who is there fan base? What do they do? I thought they just appeared on Ellen.

Maybe Beyonce and Kim's personality don't mesh. Maybe there is a mutual dislike. There is not obligation to be friends just because there husbands are. These tales people are spinning based on tabloid drama is so lulzy. You have no idea about Beyonce's feeling toward Kim or vice versa. And really what do we know that

lol Please, you sound ridiculous. We have no idea why they really weren't there. If it was important to Jay-Z he at least would have been there and made a perfectly fine excuse for why Bey wasn't, there were reports of Bey traveling solo to Kelly Rowland's wedding so obvs they do it. And I don't see either one of them

yes, bagel and lox is delicious.

I wake up around 530, I have to be at work by 7AM(leave my house by 645), and I almost always have breakfast (there is the ocassional day when I just cannot get out of bed). Oatmeal takes very little time, and there are always instant packets or overnight oats if you rather sleep for 5 more minutes. I don't think most

This post is close to my heart. I LOVE breakfast/brunch. I am not a morning person, but waking up at 9/10 on a weekend and going out to breakfast/brunch is one of the greatest joys ever. Most of my favorite breakfast foods are not that healthy (PANCAKES/french toast/bagels), and usually in massive amounts, so I only

I used to fish with my father when I was a kid and I always enjoyed. I only caught small fish, and I would throw them back. Now I have read/heard that if you throw them back they usually die/are attacked anyway? And I don't fish for food, so it seems just cruel. I rather just go for a canoe ride/kayaking, still get

Oh, wait I don't remember him in Weeds even though I suffered through every season.

OMG I had no idea.

Bey isn't "getting chummy" with Gwyneth. The Knowles-Carter and Paltrow-Martin's have been friends for years. Gwyneth, and Chris were some of the only few that attended Bey and Jay's very small and intimate wedding.

I Bey and Jay-Z's friendship with Goop and Chris Martin because of how much people love Bey and hate Gwyneth. I personally don't mind Gwyneth at all, she is out of touch, but I mean I think most people that grew up like she did and have the life she has would be out of touch. It is way better than when celebs pander

Speaking of OITNB, I saw Pornstache on the Today Show this morning, and initially couldn't figure out who he was/why he was sitting with cast w/o his mustache and found him cute =x and immediately hated myself for it.