
I like some unnatural/fun hair colors, but I can't say I am a fan of Raven's at all. Maybe it is the picture, but it is meh to me.

my favorite

I seriously can't stand Hilary Duff for no real reason. She was always my least favorite part of Lizzie McGuire, and I have had this irrational hatred for her ever since. Her face also looks totally different/sculpted in that Kim Kardashian way.

I watched it over the course of Saturday-Monday night, and was very proud of myself for spreading it out because I watched S2 House of Cards in the span of 24 hours.

I don't procrastinate too much to fall asleep, but I have to have white noise on, and netflix. It doesn't matter if I fall asleep 30 seconds after starting Frasier or something, it has to be on to lull me to sleep. But if I am tired I don't usually fight it too much. I ideally would get 10~ hours of sleep, but on

I like modern homes, but this is definitely a little too cold for my taste.

Philly's public school are such an awful mess. This could/does happen anywhere, but I'm not surprised that it is Philly tbh.

When I lived in NY state we would openly drink from beer/wine bottles at parks, and when swimming at lakes/gorges and never had trouble (and we were dumb college kids).

I live in MA, where you can't buy alcohol in most grocery stores but wine/beer/liquor is all sold together. When I moved to NY for school the separate beer/wine and liquor stores seemed SO crazy to me, I still don't really get it. They also would not allow me in the liquor store with my parents when I was underage, in

Right? How do people get through family events/holidays without the glass of wine? My family is pretty conservative, and they certainly are not doing shots and getting trashed but I can't imagine telling them it was inappropriate to have wine in front of kids.

Yeah, I know a few of my friends mothers were girl scout troop leaders but I don't actually remember any parents being coaches. I know my favorite soccer coach was just some young woman in her 20s, she may have been a teacher? But she definitely wasn't anybodies mom.

Judging by the HS I went to, and a different one I now work at I would say it is 60/40 female:male. I think elementary and middle schools tend to be mostly women though.

I primarily did dance as a kid so all female instructors, but I also played soccer in the fall and I am pretty sure I had only female coaches. I think my first (and only) male coaches were my cross country coaches once I got to HS.

This is dumb. I am thin, but yesterday I at 3 donuts, and had tons of mexican food for dinner because it was my birthday. I really did eat it all, but obvs that is not how I eat every day. Also at my thinnest I was eating about ~2 pieces of pizza per day I was just walking a ton everywhere and not eating much else to

Oh wait, I definitely had and read this book in middle school. I remember nothing about the masturbation or birth control part though.

I always preferred the hand held shower head, but same idea. Definitely a good alternative to a vibrator or your hand if you are a female teen and living at home.

At the HS I used to work at the seniors used washable paint to paint on all the juniors cars seniors rule/seniors 2008 etc etc.

lol my mother had the same reaction. she has always found him very unattractive, and then saw him with the beard recently and was all "hmmm not bad, he looks much better"

I was in the gym the other day, and I over heard this younger white guy (20s?) taking about some other person with this middle aged white guy. He was describing the person as "not really racist" because he doesn't use racist terms/ the n-word to describe a person, but would give a black person a dirty look just

The HS I work at has very very few blocked sites, basically any relating to sex/porn and that is it. While the middle school in the same district blocks tons of sites - shopping, jezebel, any social media/forum based site etc etc.