
I am dreading early 2000s revival so much. A lot of the 90s was def ugly, but somethings are still cute. I really can't think of anything trendy from early 2000s that I want to see back in style.

This is true, I always like that I could hold my hair back with a scrunchie and it wouldn't crease my hair but it definitely didn't stay as well as a regular hair elastic. I had to layer too if I wanted my ponytail to stay up.

I was spring cleaning the other day and found a scrunchie and put it around the end of my braid (I only wore it around the house), but then I was actually wondering if it would look cute if it was red and heathers inspired. Still don't know if I would ever actually wear a scrunchie again, probs not.

There were also rumors back in the day he was sleeping with Victor Garber during Alias too so who knows. I knew the Victor Garber rumors before I even had any idea who Bradley Cooper was.

I dunno, I am a straight girl and don't even find Bradley Cooper remotely attractive. I'm not saying he is ugly, but I can't imagine finding him to be anything above average. Maybe your not as straight as you think ;)

Yeah, I don't get psychopath vibes, but I definitely don't get the big deal about Bradley Cooper. His acting is fine, far from amazing and I do not even find him to even be a little bit good looking - he looks like bird. And I have never found him to be particularly charming in any interviews I have seen. I don't know

Haven't Brad and George vacationed together at George's home in Italy? I remember creepy paparazzi grainy photos. They may not be as close anymore, especially since Brad's life is so different but I do think that Oceans 11 cast got very close, and were vacationing/hanging out together for a while.

I completely agree. And has Leo ever dated a woman over the age of 25? I thought maybe Gisele or Bar, but they were both 25 when they broke up.

She was criticized for just being an east coast intellectual and not that talented/couldn't get people into movie theaters, then moved to hollywood and was criticized for selling out. She did those shitty movies like Death Becomes Her, Heartburn to help her image/be more likable prove she wasn't box office poison.

Yeah, I mean it was even that she wasn't doing hits. There were article in respected magazines about how she was just an east coast intellectual, and not that talented. Then she moved to Hollywood and people were all up in arms because she was selling out. People just didn't like her image. She did stuff like Death

Eh, it depends. I'm American and my family always removes shoes inside. When we have a lot of guests/a party we never ask because that is a hassle to have to have an organized spot for all the shoes but day to day life - always. When I lived with college my roommates it was always the same for them, just us/a friend

I had a few professors with similar relationship situations. They were tenured in different, nearby cities (a couple hours apart) than their SO. They would live in their college town during the week, and live together on weekends.

Meryl's period of backlash is so interesting to me because it was before I was born/when I was a baby. Julie Klausner had the author of a MS biography on her podcast, and hearing her talk about the period in the 80s when people were really questioning Meryl seems crazy now.

I remember a former writer on xojane saying she had ghost written various pieces for the Kardashian klan. I guess it is good she realized that this is something her husband does deal with/her daughter probably will too, and got someone to write about her concerns? I too don't have much response.

The only time I buy fashion/women's/celeb magazines really is when I am traveling (airport/long car ride) and I tend to pick those based on the cover.

It's not really surprising. Anyone that had a passing interest could find the pictures and article online. I assume that only actual fans of the couple would bother seeking out the actual physical issue.

Maybe, but the two covers that beat them out were black women. Of course an interracial couple is different.

Khloe, for a DUI I think. She spent like a day. I hate that I know this useless information, and I never even watch the show.

This gif is just so perfect.

I got Jolene too, and had the same thought.