
Where the hell in MA do they do that? I grew up a half hour outside of Boston, and now live in Boston and have never heard or seen anything like that.

She is very attractive, but I never get the impression her ass is that big, it is just big in comparison to how thin she is. Either way her body is slamming. She might as well make money while people are still interested.

Interestingly there are very strict and enforced rules that they are not allowed to fraternize with the players. Maybe a few are able to get around it, but the cheerleader could certainly lose her position. And if they spend too much time around corporate offices wives often complain. I also read about how at holiday

LOL. While the women were definitely all attractive, I always found it interesting how much less attractive all the 3 male leads were especially Ross.

In my experience they don't, threats of repercussions for joining them/their existences was just lip service. It does over the years tend to shrink the size of underground frats to almost nonexistence though since there isn't the same prestige being a member of an underground frat.

At my college underground frats still payed dues to whatever fraternity they were affiliated with, and had to follow that groups rules.

Middlebury, Williams, Colby, Princeton, Ithaca all have threats of persecution. I am sure I could find more but those were the ones that came up in a quick search. None are "hardcore" christian. Obviously it is different for the current Amherst students, but for future classes it will just be another aspect of campus


That Neko Case tweet was ill-timed since this morning two parking officers were shot at for issuing a ticket in Boston. Makes her look even more like an asshole

I completely agree! Julianne Moore has said before how she is so bored of her diet, and constantly hungry and she assumes it is the same for most actresses. I definitely appreciate that over "I love junk food, I never work out, I just chase my kids hehe"

It's nothing new, other colleges have had similar policies for years. If your looking for greek life then attend a different college.

All on and off campus fraternities and sororities were banned from my alma mater in the 1980s because a pledge died, having a campus free of greek life was definitely a plus when I was choosing between schools. There were still "underground" frats and sororities but membership was extremely small and they were

NFL Cheerleaders is a lot less athletic than HS/College level cheerleading actually. A friend of a friend did in fact just wake up one day and decide to try out to be an NFL cheerleader. She is very pretty, has a nice figure, and can dance adequately enough so she made the cut and has been a Patriots cheerleader for

I was less than a month away from turning 14. I remember my aunt caring A LOT about the finale. I was probably very concerned with my upcoming 8th grade semi-formal.

They look like they are dressed in circus costumes.

I do love Emma Stone's whole look, but it is is too casual for the Met Gala and not even on theme.

He looks like he lost weight, but it could just be contouring like someone mentioned.

I completely agree. MET is definitely the place to be daring, and she certainly was but why go for such a flapper costume-y look when it does not even fit the theme?

The is theme was so tame, and boring for the MET. I don't care for Blake Lively (at all) but she and Dita definitely fit the theme the best. Dita especially looks incredible.

I have always been under the impression it was around $1 per drink at a bar.