
At a McDonald's like place no, at somewhere like Domino's yes, and at fast food coffee places ie Dunkin Donuts usually - if I am just getting one black coffee no, but anything more than that I will at least give change and more depending.

20% seems standard to me. Whenever I go out with anyone that is what they tip too, plus it is easier to calculate. A little more if the service was amazing. I can't remember the last time we were figuring tip and someone said 15%

I'm a fan of Eucerin Daily Protection. It is light weight, doesn't leave my skin feeling greasy and has SPF 30.

Crossfit boxes really vary a lot from one to another so it would be hard to tell you anything. I would try to look up any reviews for the specific boxes you are interested in. I know the boxes near me also have intro classes that are sometimes free so you could always see if something like that was offered to be able

Weird, Julie isn't like a top ten popular name, but it is definitely one I hear often. I can only think of one Julia.

What. I am 23, and that Selena movie was basically required viewing for all middle school and HS Spanish classes when we had a substitute.

Same in Massachusetts too, or Taxachusetts as they like to call it. Though when I worked in retail I used to get Californians that would be so happy about how low our sales taxes were in comparison.

My first name is easy to pronounce, and pretty common (it is not actually lilly) yet people still mispronounce it or if they are reading it tell me they do not know how to pronounce it so I can't imagine what it is like for people with more unusual names.

Ugh, I hate this movie and Love Story too. Everyone always acts lile it is crazy, idk I guess there is just something about 1970s dramatic romantic films that I find both cheesy, and enraging.

From my research most antiperspirants have aluminum unless they are a natural type, not deodorants. I use old spice original deodorant and when I researched the ingredients it had no aluminum, all old spice antiperspirants on the other hand did use aluminum. (Not saying old spice doesn't have any potentially harmful

I use deodorant, but I have never used an antiperspirant in my life. I didn't even realize there was a difference between the two until I researched aluminum and realized it was mainly in antiperspirant not deodorant.

I know people hate on January Jones, but idk there is just something about her I really like.

I don't read Jezebel/Gawker comments religiously, but I seriously hear comments about peoples PR teams/how it is publicity for whatever they are releasing every time one of these type of issues comes out on other gossip sites. They are nothing new.

If you do buy it get it from sephora so if you don't like it you can always return. I personally hate it. I have pretty nice skin but I like foundation to even everything out and make me feel more pulled together. Bare minerals some how made my skin look worse and emphasized every imperfection on my face I'm only 23

I don't know why people are getting mad at you. Lupita is beautiful, but these People magazine covers (most beautiful people/sexiest man alive) are always awarded to people that have a lot of ~buzz and PR around them at the moment.

I am pretty sure Donald Trump's apartment (or one of them) was on some VH1 show before, I remember seeing the gold and gilded tacky disaster. I am sure it is google-able.

Yup, I have seen all those. When I was around ~13 my mother introduced me to John Hughes and it just went from there.

I know all those teen boppers have super fake manufactured images, but hers annoys me the most. I guess because her sweet, innocent, polite persona seems SO fake to me, but people actually buy it.

I work in a HS and I have talked to the kids about Tina Fey, 30 Rock, Baby Mama so a lot definitely know who she is!

I don't know, I always thought Lindsay was one of the weakest parts of the movie tbh. And certainly not the funniest.