
This was my experience as well I have countless stories that happened to me and my friends about how inept our Health Center was.

I am not scared of Ouija Boards, but Milton Bradley didn't invite them. The idea has been around for a while, they were just popularized as a game in the late 19th century.

Biddies! I've lived in NY, and now Boston and this is the term I have always heard used for them.

You can never have too many tights it is a fact especially black tights.

There is absolutely no way Jezebel came out looking better than Vogue from this, I hope the page views were worth it.

Fey: My only regret about that party — and this is not even a joke — I was very mad at myself that I did not think to invite the cast of Smash because I was a huge Smash viewer. And they were there and I blew it. When will they ever be assembled as a group again

Before I decided to join a gym I used to use a mini work out trampoline to jog/do video cardio on. I really liked jogging on it because it was low impact on my knees so I could use it daily.

I woke up at 10 AM and my mother had already undecorated and removed the 2 Christmas trees we had in our house.

Some are easy to differentiate because of lighting/make up/accessories tbh.

I don't think there are many people that have the star power to pull off releasing an album with no prior promotion.

Her last album didn't sell nearly as well, I think 4's first week of sales was around 400,000 so 1 million in less than a week? A big deal.

Some how I really doubt the people that watch a racist, sexist sitcom about 2 white guys are the same people buying an album by a black feminist.

From the little googling I did it seems like The Beatles 1 Album is the fastest selling album in history, 3.6 million in a week.


So impressive. Especially in the current music world.

Smartwool are thin (I hate bulky socks!) and really warm. They can be pricey, but they aren't something I wear every day more for when I know I am going to be spending a couple hours outside.

Haha, I love this. Love Actually is fine enough, but I never get the widespread absolute love for it and always felt I was missing something. Glad I am not the only one.

YES, thank you. I have no opinion on Jennifer Lawrence but she is posted about even more often and I never see this type of reaction in the comments.

That actual theory is called the Lipstick Effect, but people have said it should be changed to the Nail Polish Effect since lipstick sales no longer reflect the economy and for whatever reason it is now nail polish sales.

No those were definitely being posted by Martha Stewart because I saw them originally from her twitter.