
Thank god you linked to that other study in the NYT saying the opposite. I thought I was going crazy because I swear I read a more recent article on it during the 2012 election linking Romney only having sons to his conservative beliefs, but I can't find it.

I am seeing it as 4:28pm, so they must be time zone sensitive? Weird I never realized that.

Right she is suppose hide her body and feel ashamed for being conventionally attractive because you don't feel good about your body makes sense.

Kris Jenner is cofounder of Life Change Community Church. This family is actually the worst.

Life Change Community Church is cofounded by Kris Jenner so I am sure that 10% went to good use.

I am only 5'3" so it is not like many guys are shorter than me, but I am most attracted to guys that are taller guys. I have made out/dated a couple guys around my height (like 5'5"/5'6") and sometimes it can be a body image issue for me because feeling similar in size to them makes me self conscious and feel

I remember seeing on twitter before she wore this dress her sister told it looked like it was from Delia's. It was a very accurate description and definitely not a good thing.

IKR, I can't believe how much some people are projecting on this girl.

I went a liberal arts college in the northeast and I know 2 couples that got engaged/married at the end of college. One couple had been together since they were like 15/16, and the other couple were mormons I knew from camp that lived in Utah.

I find aspartame gives me a stomachache, even something like sugar free gum has bothered me.

yeah, I don't drink soda regularly (and it is usually diet coke when I do), but when I go without it for months I find the carbonation hurts tbh.

LOL I graduated last year and that seemed more a break up time when couples actually have to decide what they want to do with their life/where to move/general panic.

I have texted with, met up and even dated my share of OKC guys and none of them have sent me a dick pic right away, weird. I have received messages about asking to hook up without ever talking before though.

I am sure if you mention it to her family they will help make sure she keeps from doing any chores and keep her with the party, if that isn't something they would do already.

I wear variations of that Sofia Vergara outfit out to bars/parties all the time. It is cute and sexy, but also comfy and not skin tight.

I am honestly shocked, but good for her. I have always wanted to see her sober up, and make a comeback. Hopefully she sticks with it.

Lindsay looks the best she has in god knows how long. And I am assuming she is actually sober this time since she has managed to stay out of the tabloid gossip.

Maybe. A good portion/the rest of the cast besides Carrie and Bill from True Blood are primarly broadway actors so I think in a traditional theater Carrie's inability to act/but good voice would have been balanced by that. But on tv theatrical acting is just too much/bad so combined with Carrie it was a mess.

My mother was SO excited for this, and she shut it off in the first 15 minutes. She rarely mentions terrible acting, but even she noticed how bad Carrie was.

Funny, I was just thinking the exact opposite. I know she has dealt with a lot of issues and I feel bad for disliking her, but I just find her so unlikeable and fake.