
Ugh, yes. As soon I started taking the medication it was like the missing piece for being able to manage day to day stuff like a regular person ever day. I don't know if you can't take any stimulants, but if you can try a different medication I can't recommend Vyvanse enough. I tried ritalin, adderall, and concerta

I could not agree more! I was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD when I was 20 and I have been on vyvanse for a couple years now and it just gives me the ability to effectively work through my to do lists like school work, clean, errands and manage my time. A high/speed like feeling is not something I experience, I

OMG. I wonder if they draped them to look like that/lava on purpose? The building would look so nice otherwise.

My mother bought this, but she can't put it out because her cats treat the red bulb like a punching bag. No interest in a regular christmas tree though.

yesss to all this.

My aunt used to do this. Not something I would choose, but when done well (like this) it is so eerily beautiful.

Colored lights are fine for outside (though still not my favorite), but for a Xmas tree white is vastly superior imo. It is warm, brightens up the tree better, and highlights the ornaments.

My friend had a pot brownie that was laced with pcp and was freaking out so much that the people she was with actually called the paramedics.

Haha, I agree! I grew up with only siamese cats, and let me tell you that is one breed of cats that LOVE to be constantly be with their owner, and constantly need attention. We had cats that got such separation anxiety that at one point when we had to leave every weekend to visit a dying relative they took to peeing

I can still get on his twitter.

He is so fucking conceited that it makes him unattractive to me even without these awful quotes (that now give me a justifiable reason to dislike him).

The boxes say 8+, but the youngest ages we had at the camp were 6/7 and they were just as capable as the older kids. It definitely takes practice, the bands need to be loomed in order correctly to connect, and the hook can be tricky for the younger kids initially. Almost everyone regardless of age needed some

eh, I have friends that would identify as being raised only jewish but celebrated christmas for whatever reason. Christmas doesn't have to be celebrated with religious meaning.

I worked at a camp this summer as an arts and crafts counselor, I spent my entire summer rainbow looming. The boys were just as into them as the girls, it was so cute.

"I feel my best when I'm a toned, not flabby size 8" I feel like there is a comma missing after "not flabby" so she is saying she prefers being a toned size 8 over flabby because "I feel my best when I'm a toned" doesn't make much sense otherwise.

I agree, I can't get over how great she looks with short hair. She looks so cute and fresh faced even though she seems to be wearing the same amount of make up. Her pixie cut is my favorite, and makes the biggest difference.

Stephen Dorff looks like he just ran in off the street.

LOL I got a pair of their pajamas from their wal-mart line when I was around 11. I never out grew the bottoms so I had them until I was at least 20, and they were still in near perfect condition. The only reason I don't have them any more is because I didn't like them and donated them to goodwill. MKA must have been

This is the first celebrity perfume I have even considered buying, if I like it I will definitely get it. I have loved these two for as long as I can remember (I am 4 years younger than them so I was the always perfect age/demographic for everything they released). I was even a member of their fan club lol.