
Jackie/Michaela Watkins is eccentric, but no one is considered ~crazy. And yes Malin is significantly younger, but it is never implied that they are married for any other reason than falling in love after a chance meeting.

I have always irrationally disliked Malin too, but she is really likable on this imo.

I could not agree more. This show is all around cute, and sweet, and funny but I LOVE Jackie/Michaela Watkins. Consistently my favorite part, she is so terrific.

I find Rihanna most gorgeous with short hair, and most guys I know find her sexy as fuck no matter what hair she is rocking.

I agree. I am not crazy about the dress to begin with but a couple more inches would definitely help balance everything out.

I like this season, but I also feel like nothing is happening. Something is missing for me from all the story lines. The Fiona/Marie Laveau feud is the best part imo but I am feeling a little underwhelmed.

I was excited for a 4th installment, but talks of it being a reboot now? I hope it is just miscommunication, I am not interested in it starting new again at all tbh.

nevemind I didn't read that there are conflicting reports about it being a remake, or 4th installment.

Are you serious? Yes, duh. Journalists have lost jobs over plagiarism before, over even self plagiarism which is lesser imo. It's not like plagiarism stories aren't big deals and people are just going after Rand Paul for nothing.

I find great stuff at TJMaxx and a few of my favorite shirts are from Target (c9 champion brand). I have never had an issue with quality from either place and have things that are several years old and still in good condition.

I was genuinely afraid of vampires as a kid because of the classic vampire horror movies. So in theory I would love something that makes vampires scary again, but at the same time I agree, and think there needs to be a break from any vampire stories for several years at least.

I feel like the smaller/side themes they have covered could still be made into full seasons because even with additional tropes used the first 3 seasons can still be summarized as haunted house, mental hospital, and witches. So I don't think that the small use in a few episodes (likes Aliens or Zombies) discounts the

I know there are techincally zombies this season, but I hope they never do a whole season focusing on them. Zombies are probably the one horror genre that I find so boring.

OMG **seen… I swear I am not that stupid.

I agree, before Kanye it very much seemed like Kim's career and life were controlled by Kris. It is sad, but not surprising that she would move from one controlling relationship to the next. I have an aunt that had basically the same relationship switch from controlling mother to controlling husband.

Khloe's nose has been looking so much similar and more refined to me lately, idk. It could be contouring but with a family that is clearly not adverse to plastic surgery it wouldn't be surprising.

IA, Kim definitely had a much more Armenian look before she became this reality super star, she didn't always have the same pinched nose as her mother.

Idk, she has definitely had at least 2 imo. Her nose definitely looks different from the first nose job picture imo. It is much more pinched now in most other pictures, very similar to how her mother's looks.