
I remember when I first saw Kim Kardashian and she had her natural first/first nose job and I thought she was one of the most beautiful people I had ever scene. She is still obviously attractive, but more like a sexy alien.

Eh, no the original premise (the OC) was very wealthy wives/girlfriends, but since the beginning some have had their own careers (Vicki). And then in NYC Bethenny was the first single cast member. And then as the seasons go on there are several cast members that have had successful careers before the show.

Witches are so hot right now.

Yeah, I remember seeing pictures from the early 90s and her nose seemed slightly slimmed/refined (and this was a comparison pic in the early 00s). I definitely believe it is more an just make up.

I was just watching the Seinfeld episode last night with the ugly baby, but this baby robot actually looks like a pekingese.

Seriously, I can't remember the last time, or ever, when I have been looking forward to a magazine issue so much.

"The Look" is my favorite thing. On the train a saw a young mother with a toddler that started acting wild, and not just sitting nicely with his toy and she just said his name and gave him "the look" and he stopped. I was impressed. Even as adults if my brother or I receive "the look" from my mother we will fall in

give me that ring, thx

Let's see whats in mine:

Kelly Osbourne is completely unlikeable. Does she even have fans? She is a sourpuss on the Fashion Police most of the time too.

Camilla is a terrible actress, but I will always have a soft spot for her because I loved Rip Girls. Plus I love her face, and I still find her intense friendship/possible relationship with Maria Sharapova very interesting.

I don't think I have ever seen a movie she starred in, and Blue Crush is certainly the only one I can name. Otherwise she dated Alexander Skarsgard (which seemed to upset people because she is so "basic"), and has interesting/pretty eyes.

I had a furby, but it would talk too much at night and wake me up so I took it's batteries out and shoved it in a toy cabinet where I put my rejected toys. Several months to a year later my mother made me clean out the cabinet, and the furby starts talking.

Jenny Slate tells a hilarious, and also very creepy story about her haunted childhood home on Pete Holmes' podcast for anyone that is a fan of her. Her entire interview is very long, but probably my favorite episode of his podcast.

I was convinced my house was parents' house was haunted up until moving out for college, but I don't have any super creepy stories mostly just ~feelings, random unexplained noises/music, and once possibly seeing a ghost in my room but as a child so it is an unreliable memory. Though there is the case of the missing

lol Thanks for the correction! It didn't seem right to me, but I couldn't be bothered to check.

I can't wait to read the Gwyneth Vanity Fair story tbh. I don't dislike Gwyneth, but that e-mail she sent about this article has definitely peaked my interest.

As far as I know it is pretty well accepted Naya got implants between S1 and S2 of Glee. I think there were even a couple jokes on the show about it? I don't really follow her/glee though so maybe it isn't true.

Joanna Newsome looks so pretty. I didn't realize she and Samberg already married, such a strange but cute pairing.

It was an ideal line up imo, but The Office was the biggest draw there and even then it was a small audience compared to current comedy hits like BBT and Modern Family. I think 30 Rock and Parks and Rec might have had between 2-3 million viewers which is tiny for a network. During that era NBC seemed to allow for