
Considering the time and money spent on (marginally) extending the life of a cheap sponge/scrubber, I think I’ll just snag another from the package of six that I purchased for a few bucks.

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

I’ll be honest. I’d love to do a shake-based diet, but it doesn’t matter if it provides the technical nutrition - it won’t deal with the appetite. So I just need to get me some Ozempic and I’ll be golden. 

Fuck, Facebook is the same way. I have to hide Reels because it’s nonstop “hot girls” and the video tab is useless because it’s all barely veiled porn.

All anyone wants is a reverse chronological timeline of posts from people they follow and none of these Twitter replacements want to deliver that.

I avoid everything he touches like the fucking plague. Hilariously, do you know how actively bad you gotta be to run to fuckin Mark Zuckerberg?

Any app that won’t launch in the EU over ‘regulatory concerns’ is actively bad for you.

Yum, buffets with a side of crippling vomiting and diarrhea. Thanks for reminding me to never cruise!  

In any functioning republic, this revelation would have caused us to all say “thank god we removed him from office three scandals ago.”

I mean, they could find dozens of million dollar checks made out to cash, endorsed by Clarence, and deposited into his savings account that said “for overturning Roe v Wade” on the memo line and you still probably couldn’t find 17 GOP Senators who would vote to remove him.

In any functioning republic, this revelation would be the end of Thomas’ tenure. But no. We’re not a functioning republic.

I’m pretty sure the author of this post has zero idea what the actual car market is like right now (or anything else having to do with personal finance really) because this is one of the best times to buy new over used if you can get a new car without getting screwed by the dealer. It makes no sense to buy used to

I was in the exact same boat as you... er, uh, car...... My car was about to bite the dust. I’d have loved to have held onto it for longer, but instead of putting the money into fixing it, we just added that to our down-payment.

A lot of us here are over at Jalopnik as well.

Steve, is that you?

some employees signed a petition saying the event was offensive to their Christian religion.

If you can’t lift a bag over your head you shouldn’t be using the overhead compartment. Check your bag.

There’s a another reason companies go through 3rd party recruiters other than saving time and resources. Plausible deniability.

What’s more, Alex says that most flight attendants have the mindset of “if I touch it, I tag it,” meaning if they assist you with your bag, they’re going to automatically gate check it for you to pick it up later at the carousel at your final destination. Keep that in mind if you, like me, cut it close with the size

I don’t understand why a company failing to understand how to price an API should lead to users deleting their accounts.