
One of the latest health trends on TikTok...

For the same reason that any restriction on any freedom needs to be very well grounded irrespective of impact. Example:

My only issue is hiding behind the hypocrisy of “protect our children” when the real reason is just pure fascism. Just like conservatives that are “anti-abortion” but wouldn’t approve a budget dollar to feed a starving child. 

However, the site allows a certain amount of nudity—as long as it’s deemed “educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic” in nature. Of course, it’d be hard to argue that most hardcore pornography falls into that category.

Oh no! Pornography! Think of the children!

If you willingly have 6 kids outside of the “I tried twice expecting 2, but got 2 sets of twins”, then you need to be evaluated and looked at very closely.

Pretty on-brand for Utah.

they tried to do everything they could behind the scenes

So her own family did nothing? didn’t call ploice or CPS?

Counterpoint - international theme weeks are a brilliant idea that were terribly executed, and cutting them rather than learning how to do it right is the lazy coward’s route.

The authors of that “new Swiss study” you cite (Buergin et al., 2023) disagree with you:

Got both at the same time last year. Pharmacist said typically they don’t like to do that in case you have a reaction but if you have had enough flu and covid shots that you aren’t worried about that then it’s not a big deal.

Federal research funding actually requires that publications from any work it supports be made freely available now (with temporary exceptions for embargo periods), but it didn’t for a long time. Sci-Hub helped make this issue more visible and helped motivate that turnaround.

Any research that is in any way supported by US tax payer dollars should be available for free even if that support is not direct to the research. Your school gets funding? Free! Your pharmaceutical company sells to the US? Free. You took a PPP loan during Covid? Free. 

And three reasons to avoid it:

I went through the exercise of booking all parts of this package individually and it came to the exact same price for the days I selected. This isn’t really a deal as much as it’s theoretically more convenient if you don’t want to book everything separately. If you have any issues though you’ll have to go through a

When I think of “space cadets” I think of the Trump Family.

Winning $900 million might increase your odds of bedding Miss Aniston. Or at least get you invited to the same gala event (then it is up to your own charm from there.)