
According to my wife:

not only did his guard not slip, he still had his ankles hooked on each other. it takes real effort to keep your legs wrapped in the guard like that with the ankles crossed. I’ve seen multiple people slept from the guard and their legs immediately drop like sandbags.

It is pretty crazy indeed. There are a lot of fires raging in Northern Quebec as well and I could smell them in the air in Montreal, maybe 500-600 km south of some forest fires.

The air is sepia, thick and a bit hard to breathe. I can only imagine people who live really nearby.

The filmmakers’ decision to present the story as three ‘versions’, a la Rashomon, is a betrayal of Marguerite de Carrouge’s story as we have strong historical evidence that her accusation was true. Apart from the fact that she would have been mad to make up this accusation under the law of the time, it is also one of

What I still can’t get over, and I know I should not be stunned by it, was reading the description of the first episode where the main female character pushes against an onset intimacy coordinator about showing her body because it is ‘limiting her control over her own body.’

Honestly, surprising it wasn’t ran by Trump himself.

Do you have extra money? That’s not a joke. If you’ve already put the maximum amount of money into other tax-deferred retirement accounts like your 401k and IRAs...


Celebrities are sucking it all up. I wonder what percentage of US semaglutide prescriptions are written in Los Angeles and Orange Counties in California and NYC?

Seriously. People getting news from anywhere besides Facebook would be an improvement. Anything that gets the most uninformed people in society to use Facebook less is a win.

“The CJPA would reward the worst kinds of journalism and make it harder for platforms to protect users and the public from the spread of hateful and deceitful content, resulting in an internet ecosystem where more hate speech, misinformation and sensationalist clickbait proliferates online,” the Free Press Action

PG&E should be required to provide fire insurance to anyone in their service area. 

We’ll see if your hypothesis is true, once Marvel decides what to do with Jonathan Majors, and his current issues.

Post-hoc rationalizations to justify a movie that should have been killed because of the lead actor. Flash should have died or Miller replaced.

Nothing says "I believe in the free market" like telling people what they can and can not buy.

Gawd these people are dirt dumb. Tell me how this is not the boogeyman of “socialism” the right has been fearmongering over the last 25 years? Gov’t telling business entities how to run their business to keep the state party officials happy? Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh b/c that’s totally “free market” capitalism!?

For a company with well over 1,000,0000 employees, layoffs of 10,000 would hardly be considered “mass”.

Why was the video taken down for copyright when it clearly meets one or more fair use exceptions?

Do.......Do we have the same wife?

Not really food, but my wife couldn’t finish a can of La Croix to save her life.