
I started losing faith once Mando became a direct continuation of the Filoni-verse. I didn’t watch Clone Wars or Rebels. I know who Ahsoka is purely through cultural exposure but generally she doesn’t mean much to me. And it seems like S3 is just fully Filoni-versing it up, which I don’t care about.

To steal a phrase- LOCK HIM UP.

Exactly. If you had peanut butter on your upper lip and you wiped it with toilet paper, you’d be smelling peanut butter all day.

Wiping poo with paper leaves poo behind. If you are not washing your butt after you poo, you are walking around all day with paper-smeared poo on you butt. But you do you.

Mutts for life! Adopt a mutt today! (or whenever it’s fiscally responsible and fits within your life)

Wiping optional?

Americans (or non-bidet-users in general) are not walking around with dirty butts—or with “dingleberries, skid marks, and more!” as bidet seller Tushy claims.

Let’s say you go to McDonalds and both chefs makes burgers with their butt. One of the chef’s uses a bidet and the other just uses paper.

Which burger are you going to eat?

I rest my case.

I have, in my 15ish years of being an adult, had THREE separate roommates decide to adopt a husky spur-of-the-moment. I have only ever lived in the middle of Texas, and almost all of those were in apartments. It was hell each and every time - by the third, I was like “you have to be fucking kidding me.” Tumbleweeds of

They should make dog show entries take physicals.

Pugs’ mere existence is cruel. They are basically genetic abominations perpetrated by unnatural breeding and intervention.  They struggle to simple walk down the street.

Why does anyone still use this anyway?

“The woman I paid to have sex with is ugly” is... an interesting choice.

So fomenting an actual insurrection is not enough for a lifetime ban from propaganda outlets? That’s the country I’m living in now?

Fascism is so in these days. 

Given their current government, I’m surprised there were repercussions.

may have been distracted by diversity demands.

God cares about what you eat on Friday for one month a year!

It seems weird that this was directed entirely at BetterHelp with no mention on the FTC press release about Teladoc, the parent company. Teladoc offers all kinds of telemedicine services; do we know if they were they engaging in the same kind of data sharing schemes as their subsidiary?

And what happens with these time bombs when the vehicle is paid off? Ford will provide security patches forever, right?