
I had a single tear running down my cheek after watching that video.

Fucking Sharon....

This is so easy.

You can’t tell in that light with that font, but it is actually a “F-150 Raped Her”

It is like playing Russian roulette with all the chambers full and BOTH players get shot. I call that stupidity, not bravery.

So, by definition, no one in the Trump administration then...

“What’s the problem? I was told to stand here, and wear this hat and jack..... oh shit.”

And it all started with a mom, a sex tape and a Dream

In fairness, NC Central did win, but then the Republicans in the North Carolina legislature passed a retroactive law saying they lost.

For the fix command to work, you need to change the quotes around httpd to be straight quotes instead of “smart” quotes.

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

And today. you still have a job making monkeys ejaculate, just over car news instead of with an electronic prod of some sort.

It’s the slowly drooping tail at the end that really sells it.

When it comes to football team mascots destroying kids, no one did it better than Joe Paterno.

The issue with Sports Illustrated and LeBron’s hairline is that no one’s buying either.

When Rosita tried to shoot Neegan from that distance instead of trying to get closer (like by saying she’d finish the game) and Lucille somehow stopped the bullet I couldn’t help but be like,

“Amazon Prime lost more than $4 million in revenue at current exchange rates in Britain alone for the premiere episode.”

99% of the people that downloaded illegally would never buy the amazon service just to watch The Grand Tour, so they didn’t lost 4 million.

Let’s see - Amazon Prime: streaming, dealing with the video shredding every time my ISP decides to let another switch take a crap, not being able to play it on my TV because of the HDCP. Torrenting: Downloading a Hi-Def rip of the show while away at work, and watching without interruption when I get home.

The worst