
Any research that is in any way supported by US tax payer dollars should be available for free even if that support is not direct to the research. Your school gets funding? Free! Your pharmaceutical company sells to the US? Free. You took a PPP loan during Covid? Free. 

This would be great for “My First Trip to Europe” level of traveler but is laughable for anyone who is a serious traveler.

The least they could do is deep fry it!

I have worked for a company that built a recommendation engine, Netflix is not an example anyone uses as an aspirational goal. 

If a job posting has a salary range of 300%, it is a safe bet that they will offer you the bottom of the range.

egg yolks, cream cheese, heavy cream, vanilla, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, and a pinch of salt”

I think that Cameron Sepah took an extensive “oxygen fast”.

Everything trending on TikTok is idiotic. It’s like reporting on the sun setting. Why not merge stupid TikTok trends?

Gaslighting: Parent Edition

It’s all well and good until you find a box of negatives hidden in the bottom of your dad’s closet after he passes away.

It was nice to have two movies opening that were not sequels, prequels, part of a movie franchise or starred Chris Pratt.

Simple solution. Ask this question of the person:

Do what is best FOR YOU. That is usually what is best for your children too.

You only need one thing: An insulated carafe full of the 48-hour cold brew coffee that you make at home.

When I think of “space cadets” I think of the Trump Family.

$450M, because my wife would divorce me and take half. 

Simple rule: No food consumed in my car. Period. No exceptions. Bottled water ok. Eat on your own time in your pigsty of a vehicle.

No farmhouse? 

If you start a sentence with “I read on TikTok that....” the next thing you say will be incorrect.

Ironic that someone on TikTok is telling you to NOT do something because it might be dangerous.