
22 hours? Stepped out to smoke what? Crack? Meth?

Would have been more interesting if it was Stefani Shawn...

Oh, you mean that company that had to pivot when the FTC blocked their dubious health claims and fined them over a $1M for their copper-lined compression wear?

Oh, you mean that company that had to pivot when the FTC blocked their dubious health claims and fined them over a

Somewhere in a backroom of the White House, a friend or family member of Trump is quickly deleting his or her application to purchase a variety of Federal infrastructure assets in SoCal using dubious Fed funding.

A friend tried to tell me that Gaga also sang everything live. I pulled up the video and showed a section where a big guy is carrying Gaga sidewise while bouncing her up and down, but she stays pitch perfect and there is no impact on her voice from being bounced up and down.

I’d rather send my wife to Vegas for the weekend to shoot porn to make ends meet than rent out my exotic sports car.

The tip off should have been the corporate name: Shkreli, Montgomery, Bresch LLC...

The most interesting thing about that video is that he was able to travel back in time AND bring back an ancient rear-screen projection TV with him.

Srinivasan is from the same school of healthcare CEOs as Elizabeth Holmes at Theranos and Martin Shkreli.

Why didn’t the vehicle immediately behind the Mustang just pull up behind and give it a little nudge?

Ask yourself this: Am I angry at someone else because of their actions that I can influence? Or is my anger just the manifestation of my impotence in this situation?

That is what she gets for sharing a shot glass with Paris Hilton...

Colostrum of another mammal.

I think there was an editing error. Those quotes are from the Patrick Bateman character in the never published galleys for “American Psycho: New Millennium”

Hey, just be glad you are white and didn’t get shot over this.

Isn’t this all moot since Trump will ban soccer in a couple of weeks anyway because it supports ISIS and is loved by Mexi-rapists?

I have a shower that is as big as a walk-in closet. The best part is that I have room for a teak bench. Perfect for taking a steam, sweating out a hangover, or for sex. Plus, it doesn’t look like it belongs in a nursing home.

Which non-Bostonian on the ship did you guys call a “fackin’ faggot” and beat up once you got shit-faced?

That’s like asking “What is a good age to catch herpes?”

Inside job, as in planned and organized by Kris Jenner...