
My genius deck has four cards:

I love a good old-fashioned “I did it, but you didn’t catch me by the rules so it doesn’t count” defense.

You forgot the hottest weight loss fad for 2017: Eating the poop of skinny people!

Why does the woman in the photo have sunglasses on her head when it is obviously nighttime?

One problem: I am watching TV with four people. Whose screen are we watching?

If I can’t get into heaven, I’m really excited to try this hell place!

I didn’t vote FOR racism, xenophobia, hate, and misogyny, I vote AGAINST Clinton.

The trial for DUI manslaughter charges is just around the corner...

Dicks out for Harambe would have been the bad-ass meme for this occasion and for Weiner at the ceremony.

Everyone gets be whatever they want, but I can’t be a racist, xenophobic, sexist?

I look forward to the future NP/CP article about your for sale posting on CL where we remind: “old doesn’t always mean valuable”.

Future Trump Quote: “Oh, I said *a* Tuesday or Wednesday, I didn’t say *this* Tuesday or Wednesday.”

A Bloody Mary has water and salt in it too.

Across the country, there are legions of cross-dressing Mariah Carey impersonators that are saying “I would have looked better AND nailed the song!”

I think the key takeaway here is that fair use is not black or white. It is nuanced.

IANAL, but I thought news reporting and/or commentary and criticism are very broadly protected?

It would be even better if a mom was driving it and three kids got out of the back in soccer gear at the end of the mile!

I’m sure that Trump voters would be happy to pay $2K for an American made iPhone! Make that $3K for a American made iPhone from a union shop.

The correct amount for men’s cologne is: None.

As a news site, how would displaying the photos not be protected under “Fair Use”?