
I had a single tear running down my cheek after watching that video.

What can a Roku do that native Android TV can’t?

I’m done with gay porn sites. I want some hetero porn! How many more times do I have go thru video after video of gay guys having sex before they put some hetero porn on their sites? I demand hetero porn and I’ll stay on these gay porn sites in protest until they fix it!

She carries him around in a BabyBjorn.

He meant REALLY go to the moon, not just fake it!

Ever arrange for a buddy to bang your GF?

You can’t tell in that light with that font, but it is actually a “F-150 Raped Her”

Only people with temporary or permanent mental issues suffer from road rage. A healthy, stable mind is able to handle minor frustrations that frequently occur in our life on the road or elsewhere.

That’s like studying why a blowjob feels good.

Like Arrival and Rogue One this last weekend, I will be watching many of these in my own home while they are still in the theater.

Personally, I would rather commit unconditionally to achieving my goals and then analyze and understand *truly* external factors if/when I am unable to accomplish my goal(s) rather than just accept them.

I realized that I would always be alone after about three years of marriage...

Who robs a credit card only business?

I am always dubious when a company criticizes negative media feedback but never comes right out and says that the article is wrong.

I have a serious case of Death Star fatigue...

I think it is more along the lines of kidnapping.

The much more interesting movie would have been Pratt’s character as a serial killer that re-animates a series of women and then kills them off when they eventually find out that the “pod accident” story is false. Lawrence’s character falls in love with him and sees him as her savior until she finds a freezer full of

“disco pants and hair cuts”

Same goes for motorcycles! Walk into a motorcycle dealer on a snowy afternoon and name your price.

My 2016 project went about the same except I was working on getting my wife to agree to a three-way. It was incredibly complicated, took a huge amount of effort, I never thought it was going to actually work, but it did, and like this guy’s project car, it blew up in my face after about four minutes of smoking glory!