
Build a wall and get Russia to pay for it!

Science is a myth like climate change and space travel.

Why do the trees in Iowa lean towards the northwest?

It is like playing Russian roulette with all the chambers full and BOTH players get shot. I call that stupidity, not bravery.

Regardless of party affiliation, anyone with even a passing understanding of modern global nuclear strategy would find Trump’s statements misguided, uneducated, and dangerous.

Isn’t accusing someone of bullying just because your feelings were hurt a form of bullying itself?

Truth is a defense against false accusations of defamation AND bullying.

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I can imagine that it would be like being trapped in space with someone that had raped you. Do you hold it against the rapist and isolate yourself and suffer even more or do you kind of “let it slide” that he raped you in order to have companionship?

Coal-fueled jets to bomb Iran and Mexico!

Trump will use this report to justify dismantling the EPA.

In a little over a month, Iran’s statement could be used by Trump to justify a first-strike nuclear missile attack on Tehran.

A comment of this quality is unpresidented!

Bragging about a “fresh engine” in a car this new is like bragging about “recent vaginoplasty” in your Tinder profile. It raises more questions that it answers.

It’s like a Mustang built for a soccer mom...

Haven’t seen the Malachi Crunch executed that well since the Brothers Malachi took out Pinky Tuscadero!

Caption for first photo

Sounds like he ended up choking on his own words...

Only that wet fart of an intellect would knock up his fiancee right before getting married and having her sign a pre-nup.

White leather interior = Crack Pipe At Any Price

The Grinch ain’t got nothing on you guys!