
I have an R8000. I ran the first and got a response:

Promiscuity, morally flexibility, and a great rack!

Wouldn’t “Athlete of the Year” be better than a made-up word like “sportsperson”?

If you think that episode was good, it is proof that a half-season of utter crap has completely crushed your expectations.

Trump will task Elon with his greatest development yet!

My brain parsed that headline as “resume bacon”. In this case, I think you need to use the “proper” spelling “résumé” since there is very little context.

My new personal philosophy is: WWDTD (What would Donald Trump Do)

“Amazon Prime lost more than $4 million in revenue at current exchange rates in Britain alone for the premiere episode.”

His ratings already have dropped below W. He will be entering office with the lowest approval ratings of any recent president.

You missed one of his key points: Under Trump, NASA is going to drop the Mars and the International Space Station programs and immediately commit all development resources to building a clean coal powered automobile to replace electric vehicles that will be outlawed by the EPA.

This SUV is like a chick that is a solid 6 at midnight. Too early to put effort into a 6 when you have a shot at doing better and not late enough to throw in the towel and grab whoever is around.

In San Francisco, it is a city ordinance that you must be an overweight butch lesbian to own and ride a Grom.

This is Trump’s worst nightmare. Every reporter on the planet pouring over every piece of financial data available looking for the smoking gun...

He can use that kilo as bait. Put in on a hook, cast it, and he’ll pull in his limit of Big Breasted Hookers. They are native to those waters...

“Why Take An Car Service To Hookers and Blow? We Have Them In The Car!”


If owners and dogs look alike, you should give Puddles the Clown his dog back...

Black dog? Surprised that he did end up shot!

The Cayenne also has the bonus of being the car most likely to help you find a husband/boyfriend or, at least, an appreciative nod if you aren’t looking.

Give heroin to gun owners!