
I would love to see Thiel and Bannon chatting about homosexuality....

Dad Body

A great way to punch up a lackluster internship or graduate school application!

When I play this game, I always go with “five stall garage that you can fill with anything vehicle related”

The implied piece of information that is lacking here is that Amy Graham at some point slept with or dated someone from the dealership or someone known by the staff of the dealership. That is the source of the knowledge the photos were taken and still could exist. It is the only thing that makes sense.

There are several parts missing from this kit car:

They are going to need a lot more low-information voters in four years....

New Cabinet seat for Thiel: Secretary of Deplorables

Blacks stayed home, nearly 30% of Latinos voted for Trump, and white women supported Trump. They will all suffer horribly under the Trump administration, second only to how miserable life will be for uneducated white males when Trump’s policies tank the economy.

They may detest his racism, xenophobia, etc... but every CEO knows that they have a four year free ride. It’s going to be the Wild West. Screw customers, abuse the financial markets, destroy the environment, discriminatory hiring, you name it. If your company has an evil plan in the back of filing cabinet, now is the

If that child had been born, how much would Republicans be willing to spend to feed, house, educate, and provide healthcare for 18 years?

The GOP worships fetuses. Could care less about actual living children.

Never been prouder to be atheist than after watching that.

It’s Kim Kardashian.

Ayyadurai’s obituary: “The nut job who wrongly (widely debunked) claimed that he invented email who was manipulated by Peter Thiel in a petty attempt to seek revenge against people who insulted him.”

Smart people pay the least in taxes possible. In most cases, you are better off being very aggressive in deductions and loopholes knowing that IF you get caught, you will pay a *relatively* small penalty and interest.

The nanny was YOUR MOM!

That looks like three wealthy British businessmen on their way to the hotel the creepy -looking guy in the back owns so they can take turns banging a coked-up Lindsay Lohan. Or is that just me?

Poor little guy. Probably kept up with you for a mile or so.

Wouldn’t those tires be flat spotted?