
This footage would actually get him the remaining undecided racist voters more than it would cost him the non-existent voter who was unaware of his blatant racism.

Long live the chief is great, but the rest of his music is the standard bland, neo-R&B garbage like Drake and others.

1.) Return Chromebook to where you bought it.

If that is your definition of consent, you just confessed to rape.

Kylie, that you? Tell Kim and Kanye I said “hey”

A fool, his money, and his project car are soon parted.

There are a couple of bros in my office that use Soylent. All of their conversations are around how to make it palatable enough to choke it down. They go to great lengths to achieve this. Isn’t the whole pitch for Soylent its convenience?

Stay icy my friend!

There is enough evidence to support global climate change that the Atlantic hurricane season data would not alone prove or disprove it. Using it to support OR refute climate change is wrong. It is a single data point in an equation that has thousands of data points.

I think that the most revealing is the number of blatantly obvious lies each respective candidate told. My count is Clinton 2 or 3 (NAFTA, TPP). Trump 8 or 10 (Iraq, IRS, economy, guns/2nd amendment, crime levels, Clinton, Middle East, China, Fed, loans from dad).


Another fantastic milestone in Marissa Mayer’s amazing run as Yahoo’s CEO!

When my younger brother was born in 1970, my dad traded his 1967 Corvette Stingray in for a wood-paneled Pontiac station wagon. He and I will regret that to our dying days.

Letting my constantly snacking and coffee drinking (spilling) wife and three dogs in any of my cars. Separate cars. Problem solved.

Auburn v. LSU, duh! The players took a knee during the raising of the Confederate flag while the Auburn band played “Dixie” but that protest has been going on since 1861 and it is only white players.

To me, it looks like he was attempting to lead with his shoulder but Owusu juked to avoid the second defender. I think the officials made the right call. If it wasn’t the other defender, it would have been a clearly legal but hard hit.

I had one amazing night with two hookers and an eight ball. I call that winning.

Clinton could use this footage for a campaign ad showing the U.S. with a Trump presidency.

If you can’t split lanes, you may as well be in a car and enjoy the comforts.

That green livery makes it look like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Transformer.