Trough of Luxury

Maybe ranch can be the one thing to bring the people of Ferguson together. Something good must come out of this.

Ha, I had to follow your link because I got worried that mayonnaise was causing dementia in the Japanese.

I could put honey mustard on pretty much anything, but I have still never needed more than a monkey bowl's worth. I think Ranch is pretty gross but I guess this explains why it is ALWAYS the side condiment. Even when I ask for something else I usually get a bowl of ranch too.

I worked at a Denny's, too! I'm glad you made it out in one piece, that was a soul-sucking nightmare of a job. I also know from the ranch fever. I can't even smell that shit without wanting to hurk all over my shoes after the nightmares I saw at Denny's.


I'm not quite that bad, but I will say that Denny's has a really good ranch dressing. I kinda get the Ranch Fever. Except for the sweet tea bit. *hork*

i used to spend a lot of late nights at denny's and i thought i was going crazy with the ranch by dipping my seasoned fries and grilled cheese sandwich in it, and felt embarassed when i asked for a side of ranch with my meal. but damn, i never needed more than a normal sized side. cereal bowls? just get it in a glass

This to me is the most important thing he said. SOOOO many white people think that black people exaggerate or "make up" police harassment. Or think that somehow it's "deserved" because of the high number of black criminals. Which is such bullshit.

You'll find that the people doing the oppressing always want to start the narrative at a convenient part, or always want to start the story in the middle.

My little midwest suburban hometown recently acquired an MRAP.

I don't think they would accept me.

Restraint in this case would have been: 1) having a couple of normal (regularly armed and outfitted officers) patrolling the area being friendly 2) ensuring that riot-control is on-call at the station if absolutely necessary 3) Public outreach campaigns. Never underestimate the amazingly nice reactions you'll get

Watching the live feeds, restraint could have been straight saying "good night, protesters!" and walking away. A hundred people standing in the street chanting (for the police storm troopers posted there) did not need to be tear gassed. Holy shit. This all could be ended by the cops seriously investigating the death

Apparently you don't remember 2003 the way I do because that is all I remember of 2003. In fact, I'm not even sure it was a year, just a trail of yellow hair extensions and and a pair of low-rise jeans.

What happened to Princess Superstar?

If she identifies as "pro-life" than she is not - cannot be - a feminist.

As someone currently waddling painfully around her office while 36 weeks pregnant, because she doesn't want to start her maternity leave clock a second sooner than she has to...WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY ARTIFICIAL WOMBS?

Sincere thanks to the tech and product people — both New Yorkers and Hungarians — for working tirelessly and staying up until the wee hours to deal with this. Köszönöm.