Trough of Luxury

Likewise, you can take issue with those of us "who happily benefit" from the status quo without challenging it. But here I am, challenging it.

The context is that he was unarmed and had his hands in the air. The context is that police murder a black person every 28 hours in the US. The context is hundreds of years of dehumanization of black people: lynchings, slavery, you name it. The context is the rights that we are supposedly afforded by the Constitution,

Can you explain why Mike Brown was gunned down in the street while James Eagan Holmes, who killed twelve people and injured 70 others after opening fire in a movie theater, was escorted into a squad car?

I'll be frank: I've been doing a lot of the behind the scenes complaining about this from my end because that's the only thing I can do. As some of you might know, I started out as a mod and worked my way up. I've seen a lot of shit, even with the old system in place (and not just from one site - I modded all the

Honestly? Get rid of inline images in comments. Sure, we all love cat GIFs, but if that is the price for being able to have a discussion without being assaulted with violent pornography then I think it is worth it. That or going back to the greys are the only effective solutions. At least give authors the option

There are possible solutions/mitigation methods for this issue - putting a waiting period on created burner accounts before they can post images, limiting the number of images that can be posted on a burner account within a certain period of their creation, etc. - but I doubt Denton is willing to do anything that

Wow, thank you guys so much for writing this. To be honest, the mods have been dealing with this on and off for years. It's never been as bad as this. But back when we had main page abilities, we were able to remove the content alongside authors and tech. It helped protect our readers, our writers, everyone. It's

It honestly breaks my heart a little bit that this post even needs to exist — but the manner in which this has been handled (or not handled, really) by HQ is pathetic. Not reporting on it feels hypocritical, so here we are.

For what it's worth, I want to apologize to our readers who are forced to interact with these violent gifs regularly. The point of Kinja is to create a better platform for discussion and those discussions CANNOT happen when you're inundated by such traumatizing material. It's this person's goal to shutdown

It kinda seems like allowing for millions of strangers to watch a highly manipulated version of your child's daily life, who will then take to voicing their now-solicited opinion on both parents and child rather publicly, would end up undercutting whatever good some of these parenting strategies might be going for. If

A toto is at the top of my bathroom remodel wish list.

why oh why aren't bidets everywhere?

That can still lead to problems in my book. If the one person putting it on the card is cheap with the tip, the server still gets stiffed, and if they're generous with the tip, it can lead to to arguing within the group. (Although in that case at least, probably after the server has to deal with them.)

When we are out with friends we usually just have one person pay with card and everybody else transfering their share to his/her account.

Oh, blergh, that might have been even worse than just putting it on my toast. At least I wasn't counting on it getting all gooey and melty. I was just hoping it wouldn't taste like powdered death. (I was wrong.)

Oh yes. I used to work night shift at a Denny's, and I'm pretty sure the reasoning was a combo of "if he throws a Moons Over My Hammy at me there will be witnesses" and "but it's two a.m. on a Tuesday so they probably won't be people I know."

If you are repeatedly asked to leave a place quietly and you violently refuse? Then yes, you deserve to be treated this way.

It's cute how people who don't consume the flesh and secretions of tortured animals on a daily basis think they're actually winning conversions by being arrogant, self-aggrandizing assholes who are generally insufferable and completely intolerable. You're not fooling me, losers.