Ah yes, fish. The weirdest and most ethnic of foods.
Ah yes, fish. The weirdest and most ethnic of foods.
Probably time for CBS to try the "sack -a-hack" strategy.
I think about this a lot in the context of being a female sports fan. I like football and baseball. I know more about football, though I love baseball more (it's a long story). I'm not fanatical, but probably I know a little more about football versus your average football fan, and about as much as the average…
I'm not an academic, so help me out here. Do most researchers refer to male genitalia as "cocks" in the academic world?
I'm sure the Brewers are quaking in their boots at losing the business of one customer (I'm not convinced the Catholic League isn't just Donohue and a fax machine, no matter what his membership claims are).
She wasn't talking about music but sexuality. Here is the full quote: "Sexuality and rock ‘n’ roll go hand-in-hand and have since the beginning of time, and if anyone thinks I’m doing anything more controversial than fuckin’ Led Zeppelin, you’re insane, because I can see Robert Plant’s fuckin’ dick… you know?”
The whole thing just makes me sad. Though... Staaaaaaaaaaahp doing to whole "Poor Oprah" "Oprah thought she was better" "Oprah got played" bullshit. The Mighy Opes knows whats up. We are all netflixing, ondemanding, pirating, actually watching OWN... So? I mean, well done.
YES hahaha
It's like they don't even bother with the pretense that they are trying to train them for jobs in journalism. It's absurd. That's a quality, substantive piece. I'd fall all over myself with pride if my teenage students put together a story like that.
I'm impressed enough that it was even written for a student newspaper. The fact that the students are now battling censorship like that just makes them all the more admirable.
"don't bother saying it's not the same, equality works both ways." Misogynists LOVE to use the "equality works both ways" excuse. Will 1 of of 5 men in this world get raped at least once in their lifetime? Do you see many girls sending rape threats to boys on the Internet? It's not the same situation.
Because of the plastic, those things were literally painful to drink. If I do another one on this theme (a distinct possibility), Huggs will be making an appearance.
Jesus tap dancing Christ I forgot about those!!! No other cheese balls compare. Even the container makes me feel nostalgic :(
Can we get a shout out for Huggs? Seriously, what the hell even is this nuclear garbage?
All hail Cheeseballs!!
I hate youuuu. But I found a book that you may find useful, given your apparent tastes:
Usually it comes in the form of sexts that say something like, "I WOULD LIKE TO STICK MY THROBBING MANSICLE INTO YOUR HOOHA/LADY BUSINESS."
"Hooha" is a pretty good choice. I mean, if your goal is to make your partner fall over laughing.
Ah, Fruit by the Foot and Fruit Roll ups came in quite handy when my geeklets requested I make candy sushi in lieu of cake at last year's birthday party.
Well that's what happens when you continue to socialise contemporary men in the same manner as you did their great grandfathers.