Trough of Luxury

Us white men do get along with each other. It's just you "other" people that we can't stand. That would include women, African Americans, Asians, Southeast Asians, Arabs, Jews, Africans, Indians, Native American Indians, Catholics, the Poors, and self-hating liberals.

Exactly most southerners didn't own slaves. And that 'most' was tricked by the few rich slave owners into fighting and dying for their right to own slaves under the guise of 'states rights' and saber rattling nationalism.

Germans can have national pride too but that doesn't mean they should start putting swastika stickers on their cars. That flag, whether you like it or not, is a symbol of a horrific past for a large chunk of our population.

Hey, America. You see this story? Yeah, that is the rape culture you hear feminists talking about. The fact you see people saying that she deserves to be raped or that she is just an object for someone to pleasure themselves with kinda proves how these beliefs are ingrained in our culture. That is a problem.

To be perfectly honest, I felt more degraded in a minimum wage, blue-collar, low paying, service job than I ever did doing porn.

It also appears that every single cartoon person in this animation is white. Like, SUPER white. Granted, with drawings like this, it's easy for things to be pretty ambiguous, race-wise, but I'm pretty confident that those are ALL white people.

He has "bro hair" and a "douche chain" undoubtedly nestled in his chest hair [BARF].


This actually bums me out, because Rihanna fascinates me and as a journalist I would give my left foot to be able to to do a proper in-depth interview with her. What a missed opportunity. BOO VOUGUE!

Yet another counterpoint: some ladies are really into sexin'. Some dudes are only kinda into sexin'. Some dudes aren't into sexin' at all!

I'm not gonna lie, I never bothered with the show simply because of the name. I also love Bradly Whitford and Malin Ackerman. I remember how disappointed I was that I felt such a great cast was going to be wasted on a poor premise.

Sex is her resource. Sex in consensual relationships will happen when women want it to. So how do women decide to begin a sexual relationship? Pricing. Women have something of value that men want...badly, something men are actually willing to sacrifice for.

I also don't understand why Spike Jonez is being considered the villain here. He asked her what her opinion was, and instead of being honest, she lied. True "journalism" would have been to tell the truth and allow the artist who created the film to respond to those charges.

I don't have an axe to grind so much that I think we have an awful lot of media about men and the Pygmalion myth, to the point where it's hard for me to work up any interest in yet another retelling of it. I'm fine with this move existing, but it's not worth $10 or two hours anymore than Transformers XIV is. A gender

this isn't really a problem since we've abolished the court system because Jesus says that we should settle out of court with our accusers before we arrive in front of the judge. (Matthew 5:25)

Which is funny because "Hate the gays" appears nowhere in the New Testament, except in Paul's letters, who is notably not Jesus, and also never met Jesus, and also wasn't even quoting anything anyone claimed Jesus said. So, basically, talking out of his ass. Just like everyone else so desperate for that bullshit to be

Yes, and I'm sure he's fully behind the old school polygamy.

Our penal code comes in part from the 10 Commandments. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not murder....

I love people who talk about how we're essentially, at our core a Judeo-Christian country because, "our penal (he he he) code comes in part from the 10 Commandments."

The truth hashtag cracks me up. As if just having it there nullifies the questionable content in the phrase.