Trough of Luxury

This is an excellent point. The central problem is that even if someone were to make a conscious decision to be gay, it shouldn't matter. But I suspect the whole "born this way" narrative, while for the most part not inaccurate, is simply a pragmatic way of addressing Christian conservatives. (Once again, the talking

But this is very incomplete knowledge.a survey of 400 subjects? Seriously?

Whether or not it's a choice (which in my case it wasn't) is irrelevant.

I think that even if it is a choice for one single person out there, that person should be left alone to exercise their damn choice.

I have to say, as a gay man, I'm uncomfortable with the whole "it's not a choice" rhetoric. It makes me feel like I have to justify myself to heterosexuals, have to explain why I am the way I am. What does it matter why I'm gay? Why is it less wrong if I didn't choose it?

Okay, so there's clearly both genetic and environmental factors at play in sexual orientation. While I understand that the "choice" language is hugely loaded and diminishing and the idea of helplessness is an important one, politically, I don't see the study as described here as supporting the idea that sexuality is

Homophobic people can fuck off whether or not or not being gay is a choice.

As a scientist, I wish this would stop - but it won't so how about we move from the pathetically small 400-sample analyses and get real with the tens of thousands? What if a parent aborts a child based on the presence of said genes? What if someone identifies as gay and doesn't express x or y gene? Do we understand

Yep. If you're going say things like "I'm a professional" or "this is my job," then the locker room is your goddamn workplace, and there are a shitload of laws prohibiting this kind of garbage in the workplace.

I was curious, since everyone around here thinks they know who is offended and why they should be. Turns out they're mostly dead wrong on that, go figure, huh? Sure some people will be I guess, but not all

I cannot figure it out to save my life. It's the reason I had to stop reading Valleywag. If anyone understands how the comments are grouped could you pleaaaaase explain it to me?

Oh my lord. My panties just disintegrated when I saw those pictures. Holy take me now, you muscular thighed, dog loving super babe. Hot damn.

I was sooooo excited to see a pretty, young black girl on the scene. My hair looked like hers in this video and I made my mom get me those bows. I wore those things daily.

You know she did it the best because EVERY SINGLE PERSON since then who does the star spangled banner for the NFL tries to sing it similar to her.

I remember, and I get it.

Fine by me, Pharrell. Fine. By. Me.

"Him rubbing two pink eyes is much better than him touching one brown eye"
- V. Putin

But the bright side is that you are now the American sports journalist who was banned from the 2014 Olympics for online pics of you yanking off your knob.

It's amazing how comfortable people are with tweeting/facebooking horribly-racist shit using their real names.

What's so genius about what Google has done here with this doodle is that they haven't made it about Russia, or the cold war, or anything else. All they have done is held the IOC to its own self proclaimed standard. By seeing what things should look like, we're able to draw our own inferences about what they are.