Trough of Luxury

I wasn't trying to lash out (as I said in several other comments) but seeing words like that hurts. It's an emotional response built up by years of slurs and name calling. And the idea that I (or any other person who has had violence done to them physically or with words because of their identity) have to keep it

Janet Mock has no obligation whatsoever to massage a grown man's bullying and whining. Nor does any trans* woman for that matter. The only thing more loathsome than the outright schoolyard bigotry of transphobia is the condescending concern trolling trans* women activists receive for standing up for themselves. Your

Do we really need all the vitriol?

Do more of this, Jezebel.

So amazing to hear about trans issues from someone who has lived it. Thank you for the education. Do more of this, Jezebel.

Anyone who says they're an ally of an oppressed group and then seeks to minimize the opinions, words and reactions of that oppressed group is not. an. ally.

Telling a dude he doesn't have a right to 100% consequence-free sex = THE DARK HEART OF FEMINiSM.

Yessssss. I have been looking at the top two threads for all the Macklemore stories and There is always one that has a huge amount of recommends. So, I read it and it makes me side-eye hard. I couldn't put my finger on it but you explained my feels. And it makes me wonder about the people giving those rec. I am

Dude. In the face of us claiming straight white people are shutting us down and being extremely oppressive as they fail to listen and instead chastise us, this persons reaction is to again chastise those of us who are angry. And then ends with this gem:

Well men are taught over and over again "No means no" and also the "playing hard to get".


...says the wm, defensively. Take another shot for "don't upset your allies, you can't do it without us."

There's the article.

which is EXACTLY the kind of thing "mean girls" do.

Either you're restricting yourself to a very narrow window of feminist media/opinions or you're looking for reasons to feel excluded. The rest of the world orbits around the wonder of thinness. Feminist spaces try to orbit around the wonder that is being happy in your own skin regardless of what shitheels say; that

As a journalist for for Entertainment Weekly, Benjamin Svetkey routinely met stars like Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry and Julia Roberts for dinner as a journalist for Entertainment Weekly.

Can I come in from an ecosystem management angle? The reality is, hunters fund a shit-ton of conservation through license and gear purchases (non-hunters frequently do not know this), and hunter numbers have been falling steadily in most parts of the country. If this gets people in hunter's ed and out there and

Oh, we forgot Harry Potter and the death threats the actress for Cho Chang received for not being "pretty enough."

I was at an author event once. During the Q&A, another attendee expressed anxiety over the fate of a particular character and the author assured her that her favorite character was going to be okay.

I think, for many, the Internet has created the illusion that actions don't have consequences. Online, you can mock people, bully them, send them death threats. But, since it is happening in a virtual environment, no harm is perceived as being done. Because it is not seen as real.