I believe "slutting out" can only refer to the "imaginary boyfriend" title.
The piece in the original post is a Bjarne Melgaard sculpture in imitation of Allen Jones' furniture pictured in your comment. Melgaard's schtick in these pieces was to change the skin color; they were exhibited with paintings that also swapped the subject's race. He is most definitely courting racial offense.
The Kanye is not a talented musician always comes back to "I don't personally like him therefore the large swaths of society who regard him as a musical genius are incorrect." Most people don't like classical music yet not many would ever diminish their talents the way people do when Kanye is brought up.
So.... He's black and arrogant, but not talented? Got it.
This, so much this. I also started reading Jezebel as a teenager and the difference between the website I loved and read religiously years ago and its present form are vast. Former writers and commenters never would have allowed for such hateful language about women and their bodies. I remember days when it wasn't…
And how does a person respond to something like this? How does a woman who started reading this website as a teenager, who used to seek refuge here when her ideas about gender and equality were shot down by her friends, peers, and sometimes even family, who for some reason imagined this place as being a center for…
That article is the single best piece about women in Hollywood I have ever read - and I work in film and have read A LOT.
I'm writing my PhD thesis on this film and many texts like it which represent posthuman and transhuman concepts, and the relationship between humanity and technology (Like Frankenstein, Never Let Me Go, R.U.R., Ghost in the Shell etc etc). I would have to completely disagree with you and argue rather that this film is…
Speaking of the Oscars and Hollywood, why is no one talking about director Lexi Alexander's blog post from yesterday on the lack of women (and the hypocrisy surrounding it) in movies and TV? I thought Jezebel would jump right on that.
If the article or the study mentioned men attributing responsibility for their subconscious feelings to women, I might stretch to agreeing with you. The article simply indicts men for feeling inferior.
I love his glasses. They're classic "my uncle gives bad hugs" glasses.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to imply that those men are RIGHT. Or that the women deserve blame. I'm just providing a different angle from which to understand this issue, which is why these men feel that way in the first place.
No, no, no. Women laugh alone with salad. Smiling is for yogurt and tampons.
This ad is wrong on two counts: that the girl is white, and that she is smiling near a picture of pizza.
Guys, take it from Eleanor Roosevelt: Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.
I know it's got that scary "consent" word in it, and you're still working on that ... but try a little harder, m'kay?
Babies are obviously a much more delicate situation, and I would rather see a discussion about how that can be handled than a discussion about how he's discussing it.
Any method used to begin this conversation would draw criticism.
In this world of "the customer is always right" anything resembling criticism from a business owner is seen as gauche. I think he's asking a valid question. With cell phones it's an easy policy to implement, because most reasonable people won't take it personally. Babies are obviously a much more delicate situation,…