Trough of Luxury

I agree with you that this thread is racist but why the fuck are black people used as a barometer for understanding if something is racist or not? like WTF??? I'm black and this makes me really uncomfortable. Like why cant people talk about racism without bringing us into the convo?? ugh this pisses me off

All of Western culture** propagates the idea that's it okay to make sexual demands of and degrade women.

I'm very sorry that you and the others who've posted have had negative experiences with Indian men in the past. On the other hand, as an Indian man, a feminist, and a regular reader of this site, this discussion makes me wince. Fact: there are shitty and not-so-shitty people out there from every culture and creed.

This particular thread is so incredibly racist...and I can't believe no one has called you out on it. So allow me.

Yeah this conversation isn't racist at all or anything. "Nothing to see here guys, just generalizing on an entire race of people"

She went to prison for defending herself against men who were physically assaulting her.

On moral grounds I support these people because I really think you should be able to do whatever the hell you want once all parties involved are consenting, but can we please, please stop with the whole "X is the new Y" meme in social justice areas? The entire concept is directly antithetical to intersectional

Isn't the glass ceiling built into Model Minority status, though? Like, would you be white people's model minority if you were able to attain more power and influence than them, or would you at that point just be their enemy?

But this article also seems to be wanting to have it both ways...look at the coverage of Jameis Winston. No comment on his guilt or innocence, but Jezebel's position seems to be that the investigation into his alleged rape was mishandled and, if it was properly done, he would be in prison.

Yet if he were, would people

This is so well written, I wish I could recommend it a thousand times. May I share to GT?

You're missing the point. This article isn't saying that inmates should have the right to social media - of course they shouldn't. It's merely highlighting another way in which prisoners' and their loved ones' lives are changed by incarceration. It then highlights how it helps the community of

Oh no, there actually is one benefit, absolutely- politicians and privateers make tons of money on the prison industrial complex. Old white men get tons of $$$ for people being locked up inordinate amounts of time.

Are you seriously fucking kidding me with these comments? Hey assholes: these are people. They miss their loved ones when they're away from them for long periods of time. They get frustrated when the time they do spend together is heavily restricted and monitored. They get sad when they can’t find enough time or money

But there aren't literal giant rats, so they should all consider themselves lucky, right?

These comments are the worst! "I'm interacting with strangers on this blog, but how dare some people in difficult conditions try to communicate with their loved ones through the internet? Fuck them if they don't have the means or the time to travel and visit them in facilities far away, etc. Besides, they DESERVE it,

I think it was simply a way of describing the differences in how these relationships play out in terms of the variety of interactions that are available—and the way people who aren't dealing with this may not realize occurs. It's not an argument for getting social media access into prisons. Those social media

There certainly are a lot of people who've never dealt with the prison system from either side commenting on this article.

Also HANNAH HART is the best ever.

I don't really get why this is any better than a fat joke. Not intentionally being argumentative, but it seems even less okay to short-shame someone (which they literally cannot change) than to fat-shame someone (could possibly change). I would get your point more if you were saying "this pic is funny because their

This post was a mistake. I'm a fan of yours...but