Trough of Luxury

This seems to be a common theme, people trying to gain empathy for a disadvantaged group by literally putting themselves in their shoes. Being poor for a day, dressing up in a fat suit, disguising yourself as a different ethnicity, wearing blindfolds, going around in a wheelchair, etc.

"Hey Soul Sister" is a great tune

Oh man, this is when I wish we had PMs. I've got some insider info on Train. Let's just say, not entirely wonderful and good god their music sucks balls.

If you're a woman, saying that you have a girlfriend does not qualify you as "gay." The only thing that Robin said is that she is dating a woman and has for sometime. Regardless of whether or not she also dates men, claiming that she is a lesbian is pretty limiting of a range of sexualities. She didn't come out as

As a cancer researcher, I've gotta say that this is actually pretty impressive. This seems to kill cancer with a certain degree of selectivity, meaning that there is relatively toxicity to normal cells, i.e. the reason why going on chemo makes you feel like shit. There was another study earlier this year using


Also, Barbie - if we're gonna go, you know, all the way back. And all her friends. And their accoutrements.

Interesting point! I would agree entirely if I thought it was universally understood that exaggerated drag performances were meant to mock society's expectations of women, rather than women themselves. But I'm not sure that is a commonly held understanding.

Yeah that's why there's no One Direction merch at all, girls don't buy anything.

Honest question here: Why is there never any discussion about whether drag shows are offensive to women? Let me say right off the bat: I’m not talking about trans women—who live every day as women—but very specifically about events during which a group of people who identify as male set out to look like women for a

I'll admit that I'm hetero and love being pegged or having my ass played with. It just feels good to me. Blame it on the prostate.

I'm gonna blow your little mind a little bit here: there are plenty of hetero men who like things up the butt. It's actually quite stimulating and relaxing. I mean, or so I've heard.

The proper term for a collection of butt plugs is a stuffing. A stuffing of butt plugs.

Now playing

I think what is "creepy" here is that the author of this article Google searched Heath Hudson and assumed that just because all my info came up first that I posted the ad. It took one email to find out that the Heath Hudson in San Diego, not Ontario, Canada wrote this, in his words; "a humorous job posting". He also

Part of sleepovers is waking up the next day to the breakfast traditions of other families that aren't your own.

Oh shit oh shit, wait, this quote is making me have all sorts of feels.

I'm so here for Beyonce and this new album. I was nervous after how "4" didn't do so hot (well at least in comparison to her past albums) that she would revert back to club banger and what not. So pleasantly surprised and happy with the growth she's showing on this new album. What I'm not here for? Jealous ass white

Does anybody else think this trend of Craigslist add trolling to make fun of strangers is a little bit... creepy? Nobody posts an add hoping that online media will pick it up and point out how stupid they are.

For the clueless people: