Trough of Luxury

I would say though that the Boondocks was at least trying to point out the ridiculousness of defending R. Kelly. A lot of people missed that message, unfortunately.

Thanks so much everyone!! I'm still finding all the places my work has been posted, and I'm proud to be featured here! :D

I was happy to see that because they don't have women that shade on makeup isles often. That needs to become a trend. I have seen more variety this year on bilboards and busses here in LA. Mainly Banana Republic and Macy's though, so that's nice!


Wasn't Janelle Monae selling iPhones or advertising for AT&T? Isn't that problematic too (re: your point about Beyonce having a Pepsi deal. I absolutely love Janelle BTW but you are being hypocritical).

"...but, like, are we suddenly ignoring the fact that the woman shills Pepsi as well? I mean, does no one else find it problematic that a black woman is promoting soda when most blacks in America are suffering from poor dietary habits, obesity and limited access to healthy food? I'm guessing everyone is cool with

Dude. No. Don't be one of those respectability politics types who tries to pit different expressions of sexuality by BW against each other. You do know that Janelle Monae explicitly talks about the dangers of doing EXACTLY THAT in her music, yes? I completely agree that Janelle deserves more love than she gets, but

You can probably carve out that zone for yourself by not clicking on articles that are specifically and entirely about Beyonce.

Aww, you must feel so special. It really irks you to have the hard work of a black woman acknowledged and lauded for the achievement that it is, huh?

Thank you. Sincerely. From one Internet stranger to another, when all you get is judgment from literally everyone around you, any words of kindness or understanding can change everything. I truly appreciate it.

You're so lucky!

Actually, I'm going to be more specific. I think in the drag community, tranny is most often used as an empowering term and there is a long history of drag being one of the few places that very feminine gay men and some trans women are able to feel empowered. But, some of the girls I've met from the ball scene

A very quick story:

They're going on tour, guys!

I completely agree that cis gay men need to stop using the term tranny, but I'm a little more cautious about telling drag queens how they need to refer to themselves. Drag culture has a much longer and deeper history than middle class white transsexual culture. For a very long time, drag and 'female review' shows were

I was the only person I knew in my wild youth who loved Cibo Matto, this makes me SO HAPPY!
I probably still have the VHS I recorded of them performing on David Byrne's PBS show.

Now playing

Cibo Matto for all! My personal favorite is Moonchild.

Wow, I would not want to revisit that place, either.

I can attest to this. I have endometriosis and every time I go to the ER I'm treated like a "slutty drug addict." "Slutty" because it's pelvic pain, "drug addict" because the pain is severe enough that my prescribed narcotics aren't touching it. I've never had an std in my life, but I've been treated for chlamydia at