Trough of Luxury

He didn't actually get through that... he actually passed away at the end of the 2 months when he did get surgery. He survived the surgery but didn't survive the recovery.

Right, you're arguing against a bunch of people who don't treat the term Racism the way you do. And by a bunch, I mean an entire commentariat. That's not going to fly. You're ignorant of the space you are communicating in, even if you are not ignorant of the terminology. Racism around here is essentially

Listen, you're getting pissed and angry for some reason. That's not gonna help you, you're only likely to get your comments dismissed.

But don't worry... plenty of doctors don't take complaints from males seriously either.

Surely this must have hurt when she was first pregnant, then many times after, and it is only now that she was finally in enough pain that she sought treatment for abdominal pain. Or perhaps she sought treatment before, but this was the first time she actually received proper treatment.

  • Polly Prostitute

The only thing Jason Derulo is good at singing is his own name.

I liked it until he said "king bee."

I love, love, love this photo series, and wish there were more.

I think most racist incidents are like this- people think they're harmless (my Black friend from high school kept getting called an Oreo by Black and white people alike, but they meant it to be "funny"). People probably don't realize they're being that rude, so it's good to have something like this- I bet a lot of

So you don't even have that excuse then.

So what do they play on it? Turds with Friends?

It's like these guys have all collectively not realized that anger is an emotion. Something like 95% of all road rage cases are men, maybe we should have a conversation on whether men are too emotional to drive.

As someone from Europe who lost family (civilians included) in the war (the Blitz, airraids, Japanese prisoner of war camps) I have absolutely no problems telling people my thoughts on Nazi joke memorabilia too. In Scotland, we speak our minds entirely like that and people will tell you off. Be fascinated by

I've worked with her...She has plenty of people in her life to stop her, but there's a point at which stopping her means getting way more involved with her mental illness (and yes, it is a severe mental illness) than most people are willing and/or able to get.

Every time I've heard a guy whine about being repeatedly rejected by women he's "irresistably drawn to," it's a case of an unattractive dude who insists on chasing model-attractive women. And he makes being "irresistably drawn" to them out to be some big existential thing instead of just, you know, the fact that

No, they feel that the women that do decide they want to fuck them are somehow inferior (because said women want to fuck them, in a weird Groucho Marx twist) and that therefore they themselves must be inferior or worthless as human beings, because part of the message they have internalized about their worth as men is

HA! "Baker." Love.

Warning: I don't think the following names are sins against nature or anything (usually), and I don't always hate them, but I often feel like these types of names are when parents go "I don't want a boring, common name! I want something unique!" and they don't realize that they're being unique just like everyone