Ridiculous. Fucking white tears. Get over yourselves, white people.
Ridiculous. Fucking white tears. Get over yourselves, white people.
Let me get this straight: a black woman tries to teach white men about racism. White men complain. Institution sides with the white men.
"A man's value is mainly determined by his resources, intellect, and character."
This. Friends of mine and I have sat down - a mix of queer women and straight women - and, as the conversation inevitably does, it turned to sex. A lot of the straight friends confessed that they had absolutely no idea how we "knew to stop," and gaped when a queer friend said "Sometimes we just don't. For a weekend.…
I was about to talk about the same thing. I think the percentage of lesbians who expect an orgasm is probably much higher than with straight women, but we still have the same issues when it comes to the mental aspect. It's more likely that everyone gets off but it's still not a given, especially with casual sex.…
I agree; this would be so much more interesting - and, I think, telling - if it examined both straight and queer women. I think it would show a lot more about women's inherent desire to orgasm, or not, if the male orgasm wasn't necessarily a factor.
Yeah, I wondered that, too, but I also wonder if women, as a population, are more, less, or equally orgasmic in same-sex situations as they are in opposite-sex situations.
As a queer woman, I would say my rate of getting off is astronomically higher with women, in general. I sleep with both men and women, so I know it's not an issue of attractiveness. I think part of it is knowledge of the equipment (guys tends to go in hard and fast and, generally, what gets a gal off is a softer,…
True, this is very heterocentric.
Where are all the trend pieces asking men, "are you sure you want an orgasm every time? Doesn't sex feel good either way?"
Having your papers ready means reaching for your papers at some point (unless you drive with them clenched in your fist, wrapped around the steering wheel). That moment, when you're reaching - to a cop, it looks like you could be reaching for a gun. The first time I was pulled over, I immediately reached for my…
I have never seen these before! Is it a St Louis thing? Because I can be there in three hours.
That is so freakin' insane and a brilliant way to get shot because someone thinks you're reaching for a gun. I was taught by my father (a black man born in 1925 Virginia) when you're pulled over you roll your window down so you're clearly visible, you keep both hands on the wheel and you answer every question…
In my school days, Flamin' Hot Cheetos (or Hot Chips, as we called them) were THE snack from middle school on up. I don't remember them in elementary (probably because we didn't have vending machines).
Alice Waters took such a high road in her response I wouldn't be surprised to hear she got vertigo. That is about the classiest rebuke I've ever read.
Joan rivers is by far more relevant than most of these fly by night starlets. Joan has been around forever, she is a comedic genius. Chelsea handler and Kathy griffin among others will never fill her shoes. Joan was a pioneer for women comics. And at 80 years old to still work as much as Joan does is beyond amazing.
Wow. Yeah. The fact that the symbol of authority used to be a group of people (the "boys" who would "take him away"), and has been replaced by a visible gun that doesn't have to be fired—that's something to chew on. Damn.
Have actually counted how many times the guns are actually fired though? (And no, it's not every episode. Not even every other episode.)
Newsflash: Violent criminals and psychopaths generally do not listen to reason. There is a reason why law enforcement officers carry guns. The idea that violent criminals can simply be talked into giving themselves up is absurd in most cases. Force (or the threat of force) is a necessity.